Friday, July 31, 2009

York Western Australia- Hell Hole

York, Western Australia is a Historical rural town about 70km East of Perth. It is Australia's oldest inland town featuring many original old buildings steeped in history If you are considering living there read this first.

The local council and local businesses do not have a policy of trying to restore old and historical buildings. In fact they have a shocking record. A 104 year old Fig tree in the main street was recently chain sawed for a modern development despite public meetings and howls of protest from the ratepayers.

Old Gum Trees in prominent parts of the town have been ripped out in secret in the middle of the night. The original old Steam driven powerhouse, the only one left in Australia was bull dozed and old age flats were put in it's place. An old historical house at the back of the Castle Hotel was knocked down in the middle of the night to make way for a car park.

A modern development of 58 flats has been tacked on to the back of the old historical Settlers Inn, the planning only allowed for 50 flats and 8 were built by mistake and they were built on land not owned by the development! A monumental cock-up still being sorted out now.

Historical Balladong Farm and Homestead, one of the oldest in Western Australia has been sold and sub-divided for housing development. The CEO of the council Ray Hooper and the local Health Inspector are both control freaks and Nazis and are anally retentive when it comes to planning, The CEO, Hooper has a shocking reputation and he was hated in the town he originally came from, where he had the same position.

Local Community Radio Station
Has been used as a forum for control and theft and fraud by several people namely a woman named Dee Robinson who inserted herself into the station as Chairperson by holding a public meeting and then advertising it's whereabouts as a different location to where it actually was.

Once this witch Dee Robinson was in power she proceeded to either sack or harass all of the public volunteer radio presenters, in her role as Chairperson she technically could not do this but somehow got away for with it for a year until she was voted out of power. In the process she also gave her herself the role of treasurer and immediately went on a fund raising drive, the former treasure Sue McCloud having been stalked and harassed by Robinson until she had a mental break down and ended up in hospital.

Various members of the radio station having seen a prior committee use funds from the station mainly for beer, petrol and groceries for themselves decided to ask Robinson for regular access to financial records of the station and minutes of the committee meetings, all requests were denied, at one stage a radio announcer was attacked by Robinson and her friend Ken Emberson while on air and locked out of the station after the police were called and the locks changed, this whole incident was filmed and I have a copy of it.

After Dee Robinson was at the radio station for a year it was noted at the Annual General meeting, that no records were kept of any financial transactions and $7500 in cash belonging to the radio station was stolen out of Robinson car! It was known that Robinson has raised a lot of funds from raffles etc but no records of the incomings was kept. Robinson was caught swapping free meals and beer for herself at a local hotel for free advertising at the radio station. Police ignored any complaints and no action was taken.

Complaints were made to Ray Hooper CEO of the York Council though in writing. His response was to put Dee Robinson in charge of the Committee that was to run Yorks 175th Anniversary Celebrations. A job that was payed $7,500 and was not advertised, a job that Dee Robinson was not qualified for.

Essentially Dee Robinsons' job was to hand out $75,000 in funding to any local community groups that wanted to produce some type of display or work over the weekend of York's 175th celebrations. Many local organisations applied for part of this funding, most were denied and a few received $1000.

Part of the money was spent on a lavish invitation only dinner at a five star Restaurant in York. Mainly local York identities and the representatives of local groups attended. The rest of the money was spent on a play, an outside production that hired Eastern States actors and used Fremantle producer Phil Thompson.

This was all despite the fact that York had an excellent world class theatre group headed by world renowned producer, actor and artist Tim Burns. Many actors and the theatre group itself were keen to get involved in the 175th and submitted scripts for various productions no less than nine times.

Dee Robinson actually set about attacking the local theatre group and did her best to sabotage it by cancelling theatre bookings and not blocking off the street the theatre was in despite the rest of the streets being blocked off for the event. The York Theatre group ended up applying for and receiving a grant of $13,500 from the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art for a local production called "Sight Unseen" to be produced on the 175th weekend but Dee Robinson and the local council refused permission for the local theatre group to participate in the events on the 175th weekend despite receiving a government grant that required us to do so. It was good enough for P.I.C.A. but not good enough for York!

Dee Robinson actually took out a restraining order against a local actor who was dressed in an original 1850's troopers uniform and rode around on a horse, He received a grant of $2000 from the council to perform and then a restraining order from Robinson, she then set about ensuring she would have contact with the actor during his performance and had him charged on three counts of breaching the order, he was convicted and fined $600 despite being paid to do the job by the person who was charging him- Dee Robinson.

The Radio Station Now: The iron rule of Sandra O'Brien
After Dee Robinson was voted out of the Radio Station the York Theatre Group put up a representative name Sandra O'Brien. Sandra O'Brien is a flighty nervous little red headed woman from Meckering and it turned out she was more manipulative and sneaky than her predecessor.

She initially appeared on the scene seeking a Radio show from Treasurer and Program Manager Sue McLoud also known as Mustang Sally. Mustang Sally took on Sandra O'Brien as a project as Sandra was too nervous to go on air but with a lot of time and coaching from Mustang Sally she timidly and unconvincingly produced a show of sorts.
Various high powered and influential members of the York Theatre Group saw her as honest and above board, so she was approached by the group and asked to nominate for York Radio Station chairperson. Once elected she turned into a total tyrant sacking her mentor Mustang Sally as treasurer and Program director, and attacking the 2 members of the York theatre group who had promoted and supported her Trevor Dunen and Tim burns, Trevor Dunen who was also a leading presenter at York FM was prevented from going on air.

Sandra O'Brien then proceeded again to appoint herself treasurer in charge of all funds, which is in effect illegal. Most radio announcers resigned or were harassed into leaving. Regular committee meetings were not held or were held in secret. Minutes of meetings were not kept or were kept secret. Financial records were again non-existent. Sandra O'Brien then stepped into the breach using the stage name Sandra Dee and gave herself five shows, her timid and flighty nature turning into confident, manipulative, selfish and psychotic. Again the Radio Station funds are being fraudulently misused, stolen and misplaced!

Performing in the Town
Any performer that wants to sing or play in the Town must approach the local pub, or council. Unfortunately a local Karaoke singer named Alison Bateman in her 50's and grossly overweight has managed to convince those who make the decisions in York that she is the only act anyone in York should ever see.

Alison Bateman- a.k.a Ali B
This ageing bank worker who calls herself "Ali B" in a word play on the famous comedian impersonator Baren Sasha Cohen who does "Ali G" sings in a horrifyingly distressing Falsetto and murders numbers such as "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner and "Moondance" by Van Morrison. This lady struts about the town with her head held high in the arrogant manner of a rock star, for again we are dealing with the mentally ill in York, she has actually convinced herself she is a rock celebrity.

If ever there is a concert or an event in York, I hope you like her because that is who you will be listening to. She is known in the town as being a nasty and vindictive person and once found herself in hot water when she was caught passing on information from the Westpac bank in relation to a local developer and client where she works to the local real estate agent where she also works. She is dishonest and sneaky.

Imperial Hotel
A few years ago, the radio station thief Dee Robinson was working for the Imperial Hotel. It's then owner a violent red headed ex prison officer from Sydney named Kevin, his surname escapes me, was notorious for threatening to bulldoze the Historically listed Hotel as the state government put a repair order on the roof. He was also known for stating publicly that all aboriginals should be shot.

Kevin made the mistake of appointing Dee Robinson to run a political meeting at his Hotel, you see Dee Robinson was allowed to handle money and some went missing. The response from the publican was that he kicked in Dee Robinsons front door while her gay son was home and bashed her with an iron bar. Kevin of course was wearing a Balaclava at the time but he was convicted of the offence. He later went bankrupt and Dee Robinson went on to thieve from other organisations.

Local Pubs
Castle HotelLocal people and out of towners have been terrorised and bashed in the Castle Hotel by three brothers known as "The Jones Boys". These 3 local shearers aged in their twenties have bashed many people at this hotel where they drink on a regular basis, the Castle Hotels response has been to encourage these 3 and they are never barred no matter who they bash. I have an artist friend who was attacked in his home by the trusty trio with baseball bats and in the end he had to leave town as they smashed all his windows and wouldn't stop terrorising him

The Local TeleCentre
Is run by a committee of people headed by a Gay chairperson, the Telecentre is also the local Centrelink office and it has photocopying facilities and internet access. Dee Robinsons best friend Leisha Denne worked at the Telecentre until she was caught along with Dee Robinson stealing confidential documents belonging to certain clients.

What Leisha Denne would do when photocopying a document for you was to mess one up and throw it in the bin, she would then retrieve the copy out of the bin and spread the sensitive information about town. Leisha is well known around York as the local "Bike".

The documents concerned contained sensitive financial information and when the owner of the items reported the theft he was banned from the Telecentre by the committee and restraining orders issued against him, he was later charged for breaching he order for handing his dole form in and was fined $200!

Yorks 175th Celebration flop
York had its 175th Celebration weekend, starting on 29th September 2006, the official opening on a Friday night at the Settlers Inn Hotel was attended by Dee Robinson, Trevor Dunen on his horse, Ohio and three other people. This was despite Dee Robinson inviting the Premier and the Police Commissioner, lucky they didn't turn up.

The $75,000 play was not a big success only a total of 3000 people saw it and this was the attendance for the weekend, the event suffering from non existent promotion and a lack of accommodation facilities. Dee Robinson failed to film the $75,000 production but the head of the York Theatre Group, Tim Burns did and he now holds the rights to this film and he paid not one cent, this was seen as a major coup for the York Theatre Group and a glaring tactical and financial error by the 175th committee, Dee Robinson and the York Council more akin to a Faulty Towers episode than good management.

Robinson initially proposed a concert by Australian Country Music Artist John Williamson, more an act to ingratiate herself with him than an attempt by Robinson to hold a concert. She actually rang the bloke up personally and spoke to him about performing, normal procedure is to ring his manager. Little did Williamson know that it was never going to happen, Robinson was just getting her little thrill and 5 minutes of fame. A concert of course being fraught with danger and difficulty, music promotion being one of the most difficult jobs on the planet, add to this insurance and security issues and the concert was always never going to happen. Delusions of Grandeur! Robinson of course wanted to charge a $25 entry fee, this was seen more as an opportunity to thieve as she had done in the past.

There was a Street Parade over the weekend which could only be described as pathetic, the theme was the history of York and the participants suffered from a lack of funds as they were not forthcoming from the 175th committee despite all organisations applying, the money was simply mismanaged and ill spent. A Nazi World War II side car was the feature of the parade, along with a few vintage cars, a rather fitting omen I would say.

Despite Dee Robinsons fee of $7500 covering her work for a full 12 months she only did 2 days work on the 175th weekend and resigned. She now livess alone and keeps a low profile having virtually no friends.

At one stage she was also head of the committee of the local CWA and put a poster around the town proclaiming to have give a talk at the next CWA meeting about her experiences as a Nursing Sister and her time as "Artist in residence" at Margaret River, unfortunately Dee Robinson is a Walter Mitty and none of these claims are true!

The play "Sight Unseen"
It became a teleplay and was successfully written produced and directed by Tim Burns and Trevor Dunen, it has been shown all over Australia and in New York. A play has also been written about the above incidents and is currently being produced. The names of the guilty will not be protected. The underlying reason that the York Theatre Group and it's play "Sight Unseen" were attacked is the play is an historical account of the treatement of native Aborignals in the town of York from early settlement until modern times. It's not a pretty story, one that York wants to hide from

Think before you move to York
York has an ageing population, a large percentage of the town are in their 70's and 80's, the perception that York is a go ahead area for artists, poets, bohemians and musicians and actors is a false one, these people are against anything whatsoever artistic, they are right wing and are absolutley fanatical. The above story is only a tiny percentage of what did and does go on. I have more to write about York and it's vindictive people, be warned about that.

Any person thinking of living in the town take heed, the above information, although bizarre is entirely true think closely before you make a move to historic York Western Australia. The people of the Town commit all sorts of disgusting and vile acts but the one thing they never counted on and the one thing they don't like is the truth coming out, being exposed.

Unfortunately what I have written here is true, don't bother trying to attempt to have this blog removed, I will simply post it again elsewhere, read it and weep. If you think threatening me with libel will help then simply get it into a court of law, I will defend it vigorously.
The story of Leisha Denne and her sexual assault of Trevor Dunen and stalking by restraining order!
This is the story of a bunch of right wing red necks that decided to collude and conspire against a single person, and quite successfully. and others
When you have read this tory make sure you go and read "York Telecentre, a bad experience all round"
go to