Friday, July 31, 2009

York Western Australia- Hell Hole

York, Western Australia is a Historical rural town about 70km East of Perth. It is Australia's oldest inland town featuring many original old buildings steeped in history If you are considering living there read this first.

The local council and local businesses do not have a policy of trying to restore old and historical buildings. In fact they have a shocking record. A 104 year old Fig tree in the main street was recently chain sawed for a modern development despite public meetings and howls of protest from the ratepayers.

Old Gum Trees in prominent parts of the town have been ripped out in secret in the middle of the night. The original old Steam driven powerhouse, the only one left in Australia was bull dozed and old age flats were put in it's place. An old historical house at the back of the Castle Hotel was knocked down in the middle of the night to make way for a car park.

A modern development of 58 flats has been tacked on to the back of the old historical Settlers Inn, the planning only allowed for 50 flats and 8 were built by mistake and they were built on land not owned by the development! A monumental cock-up still being sorted out now.

Historical Balladong Farm and Homestead, one of the oldest in Western Australia has been sold and sub-divided for housing development. The CEO of the council Ray Hooper and the local Health Inspector are both control freaks and Nazis and are anally retentive when it comes to planning, The CEO, Hooper has a shocking reputation and he was hated in the town he originally came from, where he had the same position.

Local Community Radio Station
Has been used as a forum for control and theft and fraud by several people namely a woman named Dee Robinson who inserted herself into the station as Chairperson by holding a public meeting and then advertising it's whereabouts as a different location to where it actually was.

Once this witch Dee Robinson was in power she proceeded to either sack or harass all of the public volunteer radio presenters, in her role as Chairperson she technically could not do this but somehow got away for with it for a year until she was voted out of power. In the process she also gave her herself the role of treasurer and immediately went on a fund raising drive, the former treasure Sue McCloud having been stalked and harassed by Robinson until she had a mental break down and ended up in hospital.

Various members of the radio station having seen a prior committee use funds from the station mainly for beer, petrol and groceries for themselves decided to ask Robinson for regular access to financial records of the station and minutes of the committee meetings, all requests were denied, at one stage a radio announcer was attacked by Robinson and her friend Ken Emberson while on air and locked out of the station after the police were called and the locks changed, this whole incident was filmed and I have a copy of it.

After Dee Robinson was at the radio station for a year it was noted at the Annual General meeting, that no records were kept of any financial transactions and $7500 in cash belonging to the radio station was stolen out of Robinson car! It was known that Robinson has raised a lot of funds from raffles etc but no records of the incomings was kept. Robinson was caught swapping free meals and beer for herself at a local hotel for free advertising at the radio station. Police ignored any complaints and no action was taken.

Complaints were made to Ray Hooper CEO of the York Council though in writing. His response was to put Dee Robinson in charge of the Committee that was to run Yorks 175th Anniversary Celebrations. A job that was payed $7,500 and was not advertised, a job that Dee Robinson was not qualified for.

Essentially Dee Robinsons' job was to hand out $75,000 in funding to any local community groups that wanted to produce some type of display or work over the weekend of York's 175th celebrations. Many local organisations applied for part of this funding, most were denied and a few received $1000.

Part of the money was spent on a lavish invitation only dinner at a five star Restaurant in York. Mainly local York identities and the representatives of local groups attended. The rest of the money was spent on a play, an outside production that hired Eastern States actors and used Fremantle producer Phil Thompson.

This was all despite the fact that York had an excellent world class theatre group headed by world renowned producer, actor and artist Tim Burns. Many actors and the theatre group itself were keen to get involved in the 175th and submitted scripts for various productions no less than nine times.

Dee Robinson actually set about attacking the local theatre group and did her best to sabotage it by cancelling theatre bookings and not blocking off the street the theatre was in despite the rest of the streets being blocked off for the event. The York Theatre group ended up applying for and receiving a grant of $13,500 from the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art for a local production called "Sight Unseen" to be produced on the 175th weekend but Dee Robinson and the local council refused permission for the local theatre group to participate in the events on the 175th weekend despite receiving a government grant that required us to do so. It was good enough for P.I.C.A. but not good enough for York!

Dee Robinson actually took out a restraining order against a local actor who was dressed in an original 1850's troopers uniform and rode around on a horse, He received a grant of $2000 from the council to perform and then a restraining order from Robinson, she then set about ensuring she would have contact with the actor during his performance and had him charged on three counts of breaching the order, he was convicted and fined $600 despite being paid to do the job by the person who was charging him- Dee Robinson.

The Radio Station Now: The iron rule of Sandra O'Brien
After Dee Robinson was voted out of the Radio Station the York Theatre Group put up a representative name Sandra O'Brien. Sandra O'Brien is a flighty nervous little red headed woman from Meckering and it turned out she was more manipulative and sneaky than her predecessor.

She initially appeared on the scene seeking a Radio show from Treasurer and Program Manager Sue McLoud also known as Mustang Sally. Mustang Sally took on Sandra O'Brien as a project as Sandra was too nervous to go on air but with a lot of time and coaching from Mustang Sally she timidly and unconvincingly produced a show of sorts.
Various high powered and influential members of the York Theatre Group saw her as honest and above board, so she was approached by the group and asked to nominate for York Radio Station chairperson. Once elected she turned into a total tyrant sacking her mentor Mustang Sally as treasurer and Program director, and attacking the 2 members of the York theatre group who had promoted and supported her Trevor Dunen and Tim burns, Trevor Dunen who was also a leading presenter at York FM was prevented from going on air.

Sandra O'Brien then proceeded again to appoint herself treasurer in charge of all funds, which is in effect illegal. Most radio announcers resigned or were harassed into leaving. Regular committee meetings were not held or were held in secret. Minutes of meetings were not kept or were kept secret. Financial records were again non-existent. Sandra O'Brien then stepped into the breach using the stage name Sandra Dee and gave herself five shows, her timid and flighty nature turning into confident, manipulative, selfish and psychotic. Again the Radio Station funds are being fraudulently misused, stolen and misplaced!

Performing in the Town
Any performer that wants to sing or play in the Town must approach the local pub, or council. Unfortunately a local Karaoke singer named Alison Bateman in her 50's and grossly overweight has managed to convince those who make the decisions in York that she is the only act anyone in York should ever see.

Alison Bateman- a.k.a Ali B
This ageing bank worker who calls herself "Ali B" in a word play on the famous comedian impersonator Baren Sasha Cohen who does "Ali G" sings in a horrifyingly distressing Falsetto and murders numbers such as "Private Dancer" by Tina Turner and "Moondance" by Van Morrison. This lady struts about the town with her head held high in the arrogant manner of a rock star, for again we are dealing with the mentally ill in York, she has actually convinced herself she is a rock celebrity.

If ever there is a concert or an event in York, I hope you like her because that is who you will be listening to. She is known in the town as being a nasty and vindictive person and once found herself in hot water when she was caught passing on information from the Westpac bank in relation to a local developer and client where she works to the local real estate agent where she also works. She is dishonest and sneaky.

Imperial Hotel
A few years ago, the radio station thief Dee Robinson was working for the Imperial Hotel. It's then owner a violent red headed ex prison officer from Sydney named Kevin, his surname escapes me, was notorious for threatening to bulldoze the Historically listed Hotel as the state government put a repair order on the roof. He was also known for stating publicly that all aboriginals should be shot.

Kevin made the mistake of appointing Dee Robinson to run a political meeting at his Hotel, you see Dee Robinson was allowed to handle money and some went missing. The response from the publican was that he kicked in Dee Robinsons front door while her gay son was home and bashed her with an iron bar. Kevin of course was wearing a Balaclava at the time but he was convicted of the offence. He later went bankrupt and Dee Robinson went on to thieve from other organisations.

Local Pubs
Castle HotelLocal people and out of towners have been terrorised and bashed in the Castle Hotel by three brothers known as "The Jones Boys". These 3 local shearers aged in their twenties have bashed many people at this hotel where they drink on a regular basis, the Castle Hotels response has been to encourage these 3 and they are never barred no matter who they bash. I have an artist friend who was attacked in his home by the trusty trio with baseball bats and in the end he had to leave town as they smashed all his windows and wouldn't stop terrorising him

The Local TeleCentre
Is run by a committee of people headed by a Gay chairperson, the Telecentre is also the local Centrelink office and it has photocopying facilities and internet access. Dee Robinsons best friend Leisha Denne worked at the Telecentre until she was caught along with Dee Robinson stealing confidential documents belonging to certain clients.

What Leisha Denne would do when photocopying a document for you was to mess one up and throw it in the bin, she would then retrieve the copy out of the bin and spread the sensitive information about town. Leisha is well known around York as the local "Bike".

The documents concerned contained sensitive financial information and when the owner of the items reported the theft he was banned from the Telecentre by the committee and restraining orders issued against him, he was later charged for breaching he order for handing his dole form in and was fined $200!

Yorks 175th Celebration flop
York had its 175th Celebration weekend, starting on 29th September 2006, the official opening on a Friday night at the Settlers Inn Hotel was attended by Dee Robinson, Trevor Dunen on his horse, Ohio and three other people. This was despite Dee Robinson inviting the Premier and the Police Commissioner, lucky they didn't turn up.

The $75,000 play was not a big success only a total of 3000 people saw it and this was the attendance for the weekend, the event suffering from non existent promotion and a lack of accommodation facilities. Dee Robinson failed to film the $75,000 production but the head of the York Theatre Group, Tim Burns did and he now holds the rights to this film and he paid not one cent, this was seen as a major coup for the York Theatre Group and a glaring tactical and financial error by the 175th committee, Dee Robinson and the York Council more akin to a Faulty Towers episode than good management.

Robinson initially proposed a concert by Australian Country Music Artist John Williamson, more an act to ingratiate herself with him than an attempt by Robinson to hold a concert. She actually rang the bloke up personally and spoke to him about performing, normal procedure is to ring his manager. Little did Williamson know that it was never going to happen, Robinson was just getting her little thrill and 5 minutes of fame. A concert of course being fraught with danger and difficulty, music promotion being one of the most difficult jobs on the planet, add to this insurance and security issues and the concert was always never going to happen. Delusions of Grandeur! Robinson of course wanted to charge a $25 entry fee, this was seen more as an opportunity to thieve as she had done in the past.

There was a Street Parade over the weekend which could only be described as pathetic, the theme was the history of York and the participants suffered from a lack of funds as they were not forthcoming from the 175th committee despite all organisations applying, the money was simply mismanaged and ill spent. A Nazi World War II side car was the feature of the parade, along with a few vintage cars, a rather fitting omen I would say.

Despite Dee Robinsons fee of $7500 covering her work for a full 12 months she only did 2 days work on the 175th weekend and resigned. She now livess alone and keeps a low profile having virtually no friends.

At one stage she was also head of the committee of the local CWA and put a poster around the town proclaiming to have give a talk at the next CWA meeting about her experiences as a Nursing Sister and her time as "Artist in residence" at Margaret River, unfortunately Dee Robinson is a Walter Mitty and none of these claims are true!

The play "Sight Unseen"
It became a teleplay and was successfully written produced and directed by Tim Burns and Trevor Dunen, it has been shown all over Australia and in New York. A play has also been written about the above incidents and is currently being produced. The names of the guilty will not be protected. The underlying reason that the York Theatre Group and it's play "Sight Unseen" were attacked is the play is an historical account of the treatement of native Aborignals in the town of York from early settlement until modern times. It's not a pretty story, one that York wants to hide from

Think before you move to York
York has an ageing population, a large percentage of the town are in their 70's and 80's, the perception that York is a go ahead area for artists, poets, bohemians and musicians and actors is a false one, these people are against anything whatsoever artistic, they are right wing and are absolutley fanatical. The above story is only a tiny percentage of what did and does go on. I have more to write about York and it's vindictive people, be warned about that.

Any person thinking of living in the town take heed, the above information, although bizarre is entirely true think closely before you make a move to historic York Western Australia. The people of the Town commit all sorts of disgusting and vile acts but the one thing they never counted on and the one thing they don't like is the truth coming out, being exposed.

Unfortunately what I have written here is true, don't bother trying to attempt to have this blog removed, I will simply post it again elsewhere, read it and weep. If you think threatening me with libel will help then simply get it into a court of law, I will defend it vigorously.
The story of Leisha Denne and her sexual assault of Trevor Dunen and stalking by restraining order!
This is the story of a bunch of right wing red necks that decided to collude and conspire against a single person, and quite successfully. and others
When you have read this tory make sure you go and read "York Telecentre, a bad experience all round"
go to


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Trevor
Although I agree with much of what you say, there are alot of good people in York. One of the main problems with the town are the idiots running it. I've noticed lots of financial discrepancies, one in particular is the sale of the old Convent,where is the money? Anyway don't be too hard on the town people, just the way the town is run.

Trevor Dunen said...

Thanks champ, I am pretty annoyed with how I was treated there and I guess you are right. I did meet a lot of wonderful people in York. This thing with money disappearing all the time is a common theme and if you try to look into it you will be ostracised and victimised. Who sold the old convent and who has control of it, I hope it isn't in the hands of a committee because the money will disappear? The Town won't continue to run that way if I have my way Steve but thanks for your friendly comments mate all the best.

Anonymous said...

Morning Trevor
The Old Convent belonged to the people of York, it was gifted many years ago. The Shire sold it last year by way of a very very disonest tender process. Surprise, surprise, one of Ray Hoopers mates bought it. David Lawn an ex work colleague from Chittering, knock down price. If thats not bad enough, then hows this? After the sale, the ratepayer had to foot the bill for plumbing connections, etc etc. You look through the budget, not one mention of the $350000 it was sold for,stinks!
As for the Tourist Bureau, apparently that costs $180000 a year to run. All paid staff now, no volenteers. I don't know what the Telecentre costs to run. These organisations are the Shires responsibility, they have installed Fuck-wits to run them. Take a look at the Shire,
CEO Ray Hooper, a Nazi who surriounds himself with easily controllable surbordinates,
Deputy CEO Graham Stanley, Alan Bond look-a- like, weak as piss yes man.
Peter Stevens Health Inspector, this Wanker is just power crazy, I believe he is also the Building Inspector.
The Counsillors:
Shire President, Pat Hooper, ex Headmaster can't keep his Dick in his pants, talks to everyone like an ex pupil, liar, two faced, delusions of grandeur.
Deputy Shire President, Brian Lawrance, A syrup wearing alcoholic farmer.
Trevor Randell, A bisexual cook with no spine or brain.
Tony Boyle, Old farming stock, thinks he owns the town, out to line his own pockets.
Ashley Fisher, Son of Graham Fisher the ex councillor who fleeced the town years ago. Ashley Fisher the same as his Father out to fleece the town, uses Mafia style tactics to achieve his goal, a weasel and not to be trusted.
Tricia Walters, An elderly lady who does'nt know what day it is, let alone what week.
Hopefully, come October , we might see some new councillors elected but they will still be controlled by the Nazi Ray Hooper.

Unknown said...

I think your a lowlife person that has nothing better to do than say things about those from York how about you get a life and mabe if your gonna write so many things on here about other write a page about yourself being a women basher!!! Get a life!

Unknown said...

And by the way Steve your just as bad... and Trevor you obviously want to go back to jail.. no one wants to know about you! Get over yourself..

Trevor Dunen said...

Steve is right on the button, I laughed my head off when I read your descriptions, you saved me wrriting it. I have a life and I am coming after every person that was fool enough to give me reason to take court action. I knew about Ashley being bisexual, he was trying to root the black cook at Settlers when he was there and he's all bound up about telling his wife he's gay! Tricia Walters I know well and she is an imbecile and you were right on the money with all the rest, Peter Stevens came out my place one day and I threatened to knock him out, he is a full on Nazi. Surfer, I have done my jail and my conviction was overturned later on appeal, as for calling me woman basher, well you say what you want champ I have a thick hide, I notice your hiding your profile from us all Surfer, that's a typical York resident tactic, go for the cowardly back stab attack anonymously as for me going back to jail, it's not going to happen mate, I am running a succesful business and I am playing in the pubs and have just completed an album.
If nobody wants to know about me then why are you on here surfer?
Listen to my album at
No matter what York threw at me they couldn't destroy me, I bounced straight back. I do appreciate you getting on here and making comments, getting involved and making money for me, every time you read my stuff, I am earning money, the ads on this page are linked to adsense! I have more stories about York to come just for you Surfer, I know you love my stuff because your reading it.

Trevor Dunen said...

Things to say about me being a woman basher, I was charged and convicted of aggravated burglary of Coral Middletons home, where did the woman basher bit come from? Obviously you misread the newspaper articel, when the conviction was overturned I didn't see any article in the newspaper, still that's York, attack those who are most successfull. York couldn't handle the success I had.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in York for about 5 years and I notice that this surfer attacks the man and not the ball. so the bloke went to jail, he served his time, I can't remember the newspaper mention the bashing of any woman, thats not correct, Coral Middleton was well known for making these allegations, she herself was charged with assaulting a bloke, she also set a dog on fire with petrol and a few years ago she claimed to have been raped in the local park, she is a nutcase.

What I am concerned about is that nobody else went to jail, people that should have. I remember when Dee Robinson and Leesha Denne were running all about town pissed all the time, money going missing here, complaint after complaint about the radio station there, in court all the time with restraining orders ,everything this Dunnen has said is true, Surely you can comment on what Dunen has to say, your silence is deafening, we know from your comments you hate him and are probably either Leisha Denne or Dee Robinson themselves, it was the woman basher comment that gave it away. Dunnen was never done for bashing a woman although I did see him bash the piss out of a bloke at the Castle one night, cut open both his eyes and broke his nose. You've attacked Dunnen surfer, how about a response to the pretty damning allegations he has made. I fully beleive them as I know all the people involved It seems a common York trait to just ignore these things and move on! Dee Robinson is a fucking scum bag, a liar and a thief and her mate Leisha Deenne was the biggest slut in Town.

Unknown said...

I was reading Steves post and I remember hearing something about Pat Hooper shagging a cleaner from the local school, up on Mount Brown. I moved away from York a couple of years ago but a friend keeps me posted. I wanted to start a buisness up but the Shire were a bunch of wankers so it never happend. Trevor it was'nt Ashley rooting the black cook at the pub it was Trevor Randell but Fisher might have been watching. As for Dee Robinson strange woman built like a bloke, might be one for all I know. I went through Leesha after a party one night and it was'nt that good, like shagging a corpse, not that I have ever shagged a corpse. Any way Trevor I agree with Steve, there are some bloody great people in York and I made lots of real good friends.

Anonymous said...

Surfer, don't Know who you are and don't care if you don't like the truth piss off and don't read it.

Trevor Dunen said...

Mel, you are an abolute legend. Your post has me in hysterics I still have plenty of friends in York, Yvonne Dol and Frank Dols, Sarah Turvey, Big Dave and many others, it is the sneaky minorities that had control of everything that I was in combat with. yeah and I stand corrected it was big Trev taking it in the date and Ash would watch if he could. I knew Leisha would be a dud root, that's why I didn't bother. Mate Dee Robinson is a bloke with a cunt and tits, have you seen her dirty finger nails and fat stubby fingers? She thinks she is the big mover and shaker in town but you don't hear much from her. Does anybody ever listen to the Radio Station or is it still in a black hole. In closing no offence to the wonderful people in York, the majority of them are great but the same heads keep popping up over the years when it comes to theft, namely Dee Robinson. Mustang Sally (Sue McCloud) had a garage sale one weekend and she left all her stuff out overnight. When she woke up in the morning a heap of stuff had been stolen, anyway she went to a party at Dee Robinsons about 3 months later and found all her stuff stacked up in the shed. She also used to steal bread, pies and sausage rolls from the Bakery where she worked, its closed now but I know cause she would give me free bread out of her freezer and proudly proclaim she took it. The feezer was literally full of the stuff. Mate as far as you starting a busines up, the shire and the town at one stage wouldn't let me walk down the main street without calling the police let alone write and run a play! Still in closing there are some wonderful people in York. Its just that the arseholes stick out. As far as Pat Hooper goes, If I catch him up on Mount Brown I will get big Trev Randell to root him in the arse?!

Trevor Dunen said...

I forgot to mention that one night Leisha Denne rang me up pissed from her home, at the instigation of Dee Robinson, I put my mobile phone on speaker phone and recorded her on my ipod for about 30 minutes, the recording is fucking hilarious, she is blind drunk and trying to talk sense to me with Dee whispering in the background, I am going to upload it onto my myspace music page. I will put a post up and a link to it when I get it done tonight, you'll get a laugh out of it.

Trevor Dunen said...

There is also a video of when I was forced of my radio show at the York radio station, Tim Burns taped it all. Dee Robinson is standing in the radio sation ringing the police on her mobile phone shouting, help, help I'm being attacked, we just stood there right besside her while she put on a big act and laughed at her reminding her it was all on film and that we weren't attacking her. At one stage she squeezes herself behind an open door and is shouting don't, stop hitting me that hurts, of course nobody is within 5 feet of her, but the polioce are listening to her on the phone, she has a real sense of the dramatic. When the police rocked up she claimed I assaulted her, but alas the camera doesn't lie, I will be uploading that video onto Youtube next week

Trevor Dunen said...

Thats what they do Steve, surfer would be hiding who he is, thats how they operate, notice he makes no excuses for what happened, he just doesn't deal with it at all, he attacks the man and not the ball. Everything I have said is true, the allegation that I am a woman basher, well that's what they resort to lies! So what if I went to jail, that doesn't excuse everyone else from doing what they have done. I mean I am the messenger, don't shoot me, deal with the issues, like the Council ripping you all off blind with corruption all of you dick heads deserve it (except my mate Steve) as you don't do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Morning Trevor
Bring on the video

Trevor Dunen said...

I have to get it off Tim Burns and he is in New York at the moment I am in Essendon and he will be in York when he gets back. Don't worry, when it gets posted everyone in York will get an email with a link. I have watched it many times and it is hilarious, it shows me throwing that other weirdo Ken Emberson (sign writer) around the room and he was good about it but Dee Robinson was never touched yet she squealed like a pig and wanted charges laid. How is Joe Savage going these days?

Trevor Dunen said...

Happy birthday to my twin sons David and Dene Dunen they turned 17 today.

Anonymous said...

Evening Trevor
Just listened to the recording, fucking hilarious, can't wait for the film.

Trevor Dunen said...

Evening Steve, glad you got a laugh out of it. Yeah mate, you can tell I am getting frustrated and I am trying to keep it on track but its hard to talk to a pissed person. I found out Tim is away for a few months, but I promise that when he gets back it will go on this blog and I will email everyone in York when it is available. I would just like to say Steve that I simply treat all this as a form of art. Being an actor, writer and singer musician I have a habit of keeping records of everything. I have more recordings that were done in secret anda lot more stories. For me this is just art, a form of entertainment. I have been telling these Dick heads for years I had this recording but they didn't believe me, Leisha Denne rang me up the other day and simply said "Your fucking Mad" this was my inspiration for exposing Leisha for I am not mad, I am simply exposing these fools for the clowns they are! I have a recording of the York Radio Station Annual General Meeting when Dee Robinson was voted out, it was so controversial even the cops were there, Tim Burns was wearing my ipod around his neck and recorded the whole thing. It's a pisser. thanks for participating Steve.

Anonymous said...

Evening Trev
The radio station's still going. The only one I listen to is Franks slot on friday night. This Sandy Dee (name conjure's up a picture of a tasty shiela when infact its a Dog)is a bit of a control freak. All the presenters had to sign a legal document to state they are responsable for any damage etc. You'd think it was her personel equipment. Most of the time its running a satalite broadcast from the east. Anyway Trev a little birdie has tipped me the wink from behind the Shire fortifications that some major shit has hit the fan. Don't know what yet, but its big. Soon as I find out I'll post it. Apparently the council are'nt to happy with some of the content of your Blog, especially President Pat and big Trev. Like you said, they can go for a walk up to Mount Brown and cheer each other up.
Shame Tim's not here, how long's he in NY for?

Trevor Dunen said...

What will happen is that they will spend council and public money sueing me for slander and libel. What they don't realise and should by reading my blog is that I have a solid legal case against the council, the Telecentre, The York Visiotrs Centre, The Radio Station and Dee Robinson and Leisha Denne. I have a lawyer working on it now, you see officially the Council has been informed of my complaints by reading this blog, it was sent to all councillors. The York City Council has a duty of care to me to ensure that the incidents I have written about did not occurr. The press are going to have a field day over this one. Just so the readers know how serious this is, all of these blogs were sent to every single member of parliament in the West including the premier and all of the Media outlets including TV and radio. Bring it on I say, my assetts are not touchable of course. The best thing big Trev and Pat can do is engage me in some talks.Trev should tell his wife the trith about being gay and when I used to try and discuss these matters with Pat Hooper he would literally run away, now the truth is doing some damage they will want to take action. I heard that the radio station is no longer incorporated, there is no longer a leagal committee and it is running illegally, I'd love to see the financials and the minutes, No telling where all of the income is going. I sent this blog to Sandra Dee but she didn't know how to click on the link to see the blog, she is that dumb. Timbo got a grant from New York to do some art stuff over ther, which is just typical, York hates him but he is famous and celebrated in New York, he will be gone 2-3 months. He would love all of this, he is not aware of it, yes big Frank Dols has a good sow and the feed to interstate is there becasue they have no presenters, you just have to listen to Leishas recording to know how they treat volunteer presenters, these dick heads won't even be able to find me let alone sue me. I have started up my own web page with it's own blog and I will eventually shift all of these posts there. I am actually going to start up a web page just for York for anyone that has had a bad experience there. Have a good day mate, regards Trev

Trevor Dunen said...

Just a note for big Trevor Randell the poofter. All of these stories were told to Trevor Randell in a meeting with him which my mate Alan Peachey attended (witness) this is while he was a councillor. Trevor did nothing, that leaves him legally liable to being sued personally (duty of care) and I will sue. The shire and all of the other councillors have a duty of care to me and in this they failed, that leaves them liable too. What happened to me is shocking and I am writing a book about it, they will try and cover all of this up, but while I am still breathing Gods air they won't be successful. Again I ask publicly, why was The York Council, Dee Robinson, Leisha Denne, The York Telecentre and the York Visitors centre as well as the radio station allowed to launch a sustained program of ostracization, intimidation and harassment against me a citizen of York. Keep in mind I have solid evidence. Voice recordings, videos and documents. Everything was recorded in minute detail such is the habit of myself and Tim Burns. All reading this should keep in mind that it can be posted on other blogs, there are millions of them or I can simply put it all on my own web page.

Trevor Dunen said...

I heard a little whisper that the Premiers department after reading all of this have decided to investigate the council, namely what hapenned to the 175th Celebrations funds (They were illegally mis-spent) and also the Tender Process on that Convetnt, it was probably worth about $800,000-$1.2 mill. surely they didn't think they could get away with that. I do know that the council has been under close the scrutiny of the State Government. Lets hope something positive occurs.

Trevor Dunen said...

The folowing is a letter sent to Trevor Randell and Pat Hooper, both York Councillors.

OK Pat, now it is time to take some action. You have heard the allegations, you have read my postings you have listened to the tape of what Liesha Denne said to me, you are now fully aware of what has happened. I have witnesses to all of these events. By doing nothing you have failed in your duty of care to me.

This leaves you yourself personally open to legal action as well as the York City Council These Blogs are going to stay posted permanently I hope you fully understand that, until this matter is resolved, I am expecting you to take action, If you fail to do so your actions or non-actions will be reported on the web.

All of these matters are also being constantly sent to the Premier and all of State Parliament as well as the press. This is an official complaint from me. Read the posts, that is my complaint, what do you intend to do about all of this. Given that it is actually your job to do something???? Why were these things allowed to occur, you are a civilised society are you not?

This letter has been posted on the web, as will be your reply. For the whole world to see??? Including the press.

best regards Trevor Dunen

Trevor Dunen said...

Just to let you know the power of this story, over 1000 people have read it and 50 people have listened to the Lisha Denne recording in 24 hours!

Anonymous said...

Morning Trev. They would be bloody stupid to try and sue, mind you, they are bloody stupid.
When you spoke to big Trev about all this shit, what you should have done, is had your willy hanging out, then he'd have took notice. Have'nt heard anything yet from the Shire spy about whats cooking, but Graham Stanley (Hooper's side kick) put in some serious hours last weekend, maybe cooking the books. A shire Shire flyer hit the mailboxes and under the President's Pen section it say's QUOTE " Can I close by restating that Coucillors are able to meet with residents to discuss individual issues and this can be either done by contacting the Shire and seeking a meeting or contacting the councillors individually. Often an issue can be very quickly solved over a cup of coffee rather than lenghty letter writing sagas". UN FUCKING BELIEVABLE. IS HE SERIOUS?
I tried this and the arrogant wankers DON'T want to know. That Vicus tree business, I tried it. Could have been sorted out amicably but these wankers just made the issue a hole lot worse. Then the weasel Fisher gets his nocturnal Feral's to hack the tree down in the middle of the night. What do the Shire do, FUCK ALL. Anyway this will make you laugh. Went to a party at the Mill Gallery BYO and plate etc, who rocks up uninvited, Dee Robinson, get this , dressed as a Witch. She forgot the BYO part and proceeded to get pissed at everyone elses expense. Sound familiar? Don't forget Trev, the majority of people here in York are great. Its just these few Wankers ruining a good town.Do you remember the tree's down the main street? Gone, the Nazi Hooper had them all cut down early on morning. The main street now looks totally soul-less. The Nazi Hooper can walk away tomorrow, we've all still got to live here and pick up the pieces.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention. The Weasel Fisher is building a bloody huge shed in Elizabeth Street. Where's the planning etc etc? How come everyone else has to jump through the hoops? Is a councillor exempt from going through the planning process? Look at Settlers, there making it up as they go along. Don't forget big Trev the poofta's tied up with it. Sorry Trev, to use your Blog to spill the beans but I know the wankers at the Shire are reading it.

Anonymous said...

Here's another one. York, oldest inland town in WA, supposed to be a tourist gem. Why did'nt the Shire enter the tidytown award. Tamin, Quairading, Cunderdin, Meckering, Dowerin, Kellerberrin and Northam all have. Would it have something to do with not standing a chance? You councillors want take a long hard look at yourselves, your contribution or rather lack of it, has created a great deal of conflict and anger within the town.

Trevor Dunen said...

Mate, don't stop posting, your a legend, I know both Dee Robinson and Leisha Denne are reading my posts as well as everyone in York, including the Telecntre and the visitors centre. I was just on the phone to a mate in York who has told me that somebody has printed a heap of hard copies of what you and I have said and it is being passed around York. I had 100 hits today and 380 Yesterday. Please don't stop writing, and to the York Council, please sue me, I'd love it and so would the press, the Premiers Department are reading it too. Dee is trying to upstage me by proving what I said was right, now that's a sneaky tactic that is fucking with my head. Freeloading on the public purse again, I can't believe she would show her head in York after most of York have read this blog. Cooking the books won't help. I am sure they wil have some forensic accountants down there to have a look. Oh and my jail stories have been a big hit too. I have another one going up about a bloke who had both his lips bitten off in jail- long story, but it will be up soon. Yeah Steve a few people will be shitting themselves, I have had this blog fed through to my own personal web blog so it's up now forever. Keep filling me in on your gripes and whinges Steve, the fans just love it. Have a good day mate regards Trev

Trevor Dunen said...

Mate, this one will ruffle a few feathers. There is an old bloke that writes a gossip column for the local newspaper, he has a walking stick and he sits in the main street gossiping with all other other old busy bodies, ex navy I think, he doesn't like me a lot his name starts with Mc something but he is well known. Well once when we were running a play he turned up with his camera as he always does, he was chatting with me and my girlfriend and all of a sudden this young girl comes up and he starts taking an interest in her and chatting to her, too much of an interest for my liking. My girlfriend noticed it too, we talked about it later. Anyway he tells us that he is going backstage to take some shots and he heads off in the direction of the womens changing rooms which is full of young girls in various states of undress, so I catch him in there snapping away and yet not one photo appears in the paper and then I notice that this old pervert is at most of the school dos and any fucntions where there are young kids snapping away, a bit of an unhealthy interest considering nothing of these photos ever appears in the paper. I wonder how many photos of young kids are on this blokes computer and what does he do with them , perhaps the cops should have a look at his hard drive, and no deleting them won't help the cops can recover anyting off a computer. Heard anything around town about this joker Steve? I wonder if this bloke is aware that what he is doing is quite illegal.

Anonymous said...

Morning Trev
The person you are refering to is Peter McInnes, he's an old wanker well past his
sell-by-date. He lives up the arses of Pat Hooper, Tony Boyle and anyone else who lets him crawl in. He won't like this Trev, he does write for the local paper. Shoe's on the other foot now. Every morning you can find him at a local cafe, if you look closely you can see him wanking himself off under the table, while perving over the cafe owner. Anyway Trev, spoke with my Shire spy last night and there is some serious shit going down. Apparently its to do with the Triple C, yes the Crime and Corruption Commission, fucking serious hey? Don't know what its about yet but I hope to know soon. There are a few good people down the Shire office who are not happy with the way things are. There is a new heritage group in town, headed by Pat Hooper, how hypocritical is that? This wanker has overseen the destruction of the Ficus tree, the tree's in the main street, convict laid kerbs and drains, layed fucking horrible concrete footpaths in the main street etc etc.
As far as sueing you Trev, I hope they do, there is so much damning evidence against them it will make local government look a farce. Meeting a mate this morning, he reckons he's got some interesting information on the Shire. Soon as I know I'll post.

Trevor Dunen said...

Yeah, I knew the premiers department were looking at it so it makes sense the Crime and Corruption people would be having a look, as far as pat Hooper being the head of a Heritage Council, well thats like getting a bank robber to manage a bank, he is an anti-historical Nazi. As far as sueing me it's like this- firstly, I am a writer, singer, poet, musician etc. that simply makes me an artist, so my writings here are simply art and you can say anything in the name of art, you can't censor art, not in this country anyway so sueing me, great, I would simply consider the court case a live performance and probably my finest one at that. I could also use the press so that everyone in Australia could see what is happening in York. Peter McInnes, well I have some advice, go home and get your computer and throw the hard drive out the tip, I think your time running around York snapping innocent little kids is over, I am highly suspicious of your activities and wonder where all those photos that were never published went, you know the ones of semi naked kids (little girls)that were taken at Yvonne Dols World vision Pantomine. Good cover though, using your column in the newspaper as a front. We can put that down on the list along with Priests, Scout masters and School Teachers, he can't write for shit and he never writes anything of substance. Read this shit Peter, this is meaty stuff, this is what you should have been writing you useless old dick head! You left it all up to me, and you call yourself a journalist, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. I do want to talk to Peter McInnes, when I was sentenced to jail for the Coral Middleton thing the old prick rang me up and simply said to me stay out of York, he has a fucking big mouth and he causes a lot of trouble in York by spreading gossip around, he is not to be trusted and is totally right wing, he would love being up the arse of the Council, still I would expect the council to hang around kiddy fiddlers. Maybe McInnes can write a story about himself being a local pervert, any journalist worth his salt would pick up this story immediately, its certainly newsworthy and I expect the West Australian will eventually notice it, but you can guarantee Peter McInnes or the local newspaper will ignore this story, the newspaper owner is right up the councils arse and he will print whatever they want as they publish paid council ads. When I was in York I was asked to sing "Only 19" by Redgum at the Battle of Long Tan celebrations at the Royal Perth Yacht Club, I sang and played with a famous band that toured Vietnam during the war, I can't remember their name offhand but they are not well known now, the played with little Patty. Anyway my song and the event made the Channel Nine news and I sent a pic and a press release of the event to Community Matters and the Northam newspaper, they ignored the story totally in York but when I was convicted of the Coral Middleton thing somehow they got the story and printed it. The Northam newspaper didn't print it because one of the radio announcers that supported Dee Robinson knows the editor and he made sure I didn't get a geurnsey. His name was Terry and he is a school teacher has a show on the weekend, he is a real dick head. Censorship is a very very dangerous thing, that is why America has free speech and that is why I am able to write all of this. If community matters had been responsible and not pro council and printed the stories that mattered none of this would be allowed to happen but Community Matters is the voice of the Council not the people, I think it is owned by Makin and he would probably get council contracts so he has a good financial reason to love censorship which is the bain of a modern society! Free Speech I say. I wil have some more juicy information about various locals in the next few days. Looking forward to this information on the Shire Steve have a good day! I got 287 hits on the York story yesterday so it is still hot!

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Trev
Good news since you were here last . The Communitty Matters newspaper has changed hands. The Bloke who runs it is pretty fair and not in the Shires pocket. That wanker Lindsey McNeill stills writes for it though.
Keep you posted

Trevor Dunen said...

This is a letter I emailed to Community Matters-

To the Editor Community Matters

You may or may not have heard but York has come under attack with some quite damning allegations coming forth on a web blog run by myself Trevor Dunen, it looks as though it has instigated an investigation of the York Council by the Crime and Corruption Commission. I have heard that you are a fair journo and quite independent of the Council, if your newspaper is worth anything you will investigate what I have written and maybe do a story, it would be foolish to ignore it after all people are getting the real news off the web and not in your newspaper, the next you read about it will be in the Sunday Times or the West Australian, don't miss the story, there are hard copies of my stories getting around town and we have over 1100 readers so people are interested. The article is entitled "York Western Australia a Hell hole"!
best regards Trevor Dunen
A link to the story was sent.

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Trev
A friend has given me these lyrics, can you put them to music and stick them on myspace.

(To be sung to the tune of Postman Pat)

President Pat, President Pat,
Ray’s got you hooked in a major spat.
Mate’s rates and “beers on me,” for Councillor’s, not tea;
Good fun for you but, paid for by the town!

President Pat, President Pat,
You’re all in deep…and that is that….
Shire in dis…..array, the town folk have to pay
Whilst you just drink the contents of the fridge!

Everybody knows, that bright red nose
Remarkable resemblance to the CEO’s.
Maybe……you can never be sure there’ll be
Knock, ring, more letters through your door….!

President Pat, President Pat,
The “triple C” knows where you’re at!
Conflicts and deceptions – spiteful cold receptions
That’s the best you offer now in York.

President Pat, President Pat,
It’s far too late for coffee and a chat!
Finance and planning issues, I’ll pass the box of tissues
Too late…. you all deserve just what you get!



York people all let us agree,
We need to be set free;
We’ve golden soil, hard work and toil,
It’s a democracy?
Our town abounds in Nature’s gifts,
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history’s page, at every stage,
The Shire will rape it bare!
In hopeful strains then let us sing,
Just try it if you dare!

A tourist town, oh what a joke,
Most tourists won’t come back;
Bias Visitor Centre staff,
Deserve the “Useless” plaque;
No tidy town award for us,
Our reputation wrecked;
No charm, no trees, just concrete,
So what do we expect;
It’s now our choice in October,
Just who we re-elect!

York people open up your eyes,
There’s trouble with the Shire;
And those who dare to see or act,
Are warned they play with fire;
They’re gamblers, drunks and idiots,
And by their side you’ll sit;
They’re “power crazed men” with issues,
They know which cap they fit;
So sing again, of all these men
They’re really full of shit!


Trevor Dunen said...

Excellent work my friend, more art has come out of this blog than during the entire year of the 175th Celebrations. I will have a fiddle around with the song and try and record it and post it by next week. I think a youtube video will be the way to go, that way I can also have a bit of a talk about corruption in York and say gidday to the fans, and the invitation is open to the York Council, if they would like me to come and give them a little lecture about corruption and its history I am happy to do it, although I am sure they already know all about it! This blog is now on
Have a good weekend Stev, Surfer, get stuffed!

Anonymous said...

Good Reading. Confirms my suspicions of these backstabbers and hanger on 'ers. As for Fishers rubbish dump behind residential homes, it passed council without a hitch, so I wrote to the EPA for investigation as well as the CCC. Their investigations, as they told me in return mail, come to naught. This town council blatantly disregarded the EPA's and their own council By-Laws on the impact it would have on the homes as well as the other business's that surround this unlicensed dump. Fishers original recycling dump located at his property was not licensed also and he also won the tender for the Council Rubbish Transfer Station, worth about $360,000.00 per year to him as well as putting up the rubbish collection rates. All this info from their Web Page and Council Minutes. This establishment was not licensed as well and I wrote the EPA and State Govt departments to inform them of this. Being a councillor certainly helped him there. I wrote a letter to the council of my concerns and quoted their own by-laws on this subject in June 2008. Guess what! no answer to the contents of the letter and a note put in council minutes from the meeting in June 2008 that the CEO would contact me on return from his holidays. Over 1 year later and still no answer. Must be a fucking good holiday! I must have been right in my investigations into this matter so it was sent to CCC. I believe this gang of crooks have contacts in state government also. Nothing was done about the new recycling dump proceeding and the female councillor who lives right behind the dump said or did nothing. Her excuse was she was a councillor and was gagged because of it. What bullshit. She is a resident of York first and a useless councillor second. Keep the news coming. It's an eye opener for those who stick their heads in the sand and don't want to know what the honest folk of this town can uncover.
Due to the vindictiveness of this council and their henchmen who do their dirty work I wont leave my name. My guess is that they will know who I am but can't do anything in court with this info.

Trevor Dunen said...

Thank you very much for posting this comment, I will tell you now that all of York is reading it and this forum is an excellent way to air grievances in York as you will not read it in the Local paper. I also know that our parliamentarians are reading it to, so crossed fingers, something will be done about it. I also ask the question, how did they get that bike track approved alongside the river near 6th road, it's right alongside the main road and people from tht rack are always hooning around, surely it breaches the planning and envrionmental regulations, how did they get planning permission for it? As for Trish Walters, well she is a drama queen, she has her own view but is not capable of formulating a plan coming to any sort of solution. Shre reckons she has a degree in business, probably out of a corn flakes packet. She put up a photo of herself on the council notice board taken about 20 years ago, that's dishonest and she can't be trusted. I allowed people to post anonymously as I don't want them to be victimised like they have done to me, so good on you keep posting and encourage others too. Best regards Trevor Dunen

Unknown said...

As I remember a couple of years ago this rubbish transfer station got knocked back by the EPA. Whats hasppend in the meantime? This cannot be allowed to happen! What idiot allowes this sort of development within spitting distance of residential homes.

Trevor Dunen said...

York council has never worried about the law or the public, I think they may have contacts up a bit higher, what is the local State Minister doing, he lives in Northam, what is his name, Max Trenorden?, he knows all this is going on but has done nothing

Anonymous said...

Morning Trevor
Latest from the Shire, Adolf Hooper is insisting everyone in Shire employment signs a Confidential Agreement. Honestly where does this bloke get off. I know the Shire staff read this Blog, so before you sign anything, think about it. Adolf you will not silence my source. Triple CCC are investigating the management of Shire funds. The public need to be aware Adolf Hooper has been sacked from two previous position's.
As far as the new waste transfer station in Elizabeth Street, Fisher you slimey little corrupt weasel, watch those traffic movements, you can be sure we will, we being the Y.U.M (York underground Movement).
Trev, I got it wrong about McInnes wanking himself off under the table, word is, he has not been able to raise one for 40 years. Does anyone know about the new Residents Association, like how to join?

Trevor Dunen said...

Thanks Steve. Adolf Hooper- Good name! I think that any employee who knew about Council Corruption would have a duty of care to the public, who after all does pay their wages, to inform the authorities of what they know as they could probably be found personally liable to some extent if it is found out they knew something and also actively participated in it. I have had a complaint about the Post regarding Fraser Guild. If anybody can point out anything in this stroy that is not true, then point it out and I will delete it. I am not here to win sympathy, I am here to expose corruption in York. I am really happy with some of the information that has come out on this blog and I have heard from many other sources that the Council is on the back foot. Whatever you do don't sign those agreements. All my letters to the Council have so far been totally ignored- seems I don't count- Why do they have email addressess if they ignore the correspondence? Mcguiness is not happy- Ah! the power of the press, something McGuiness never experienced.

Anonymous said...

Afternoon Trev
Could you do me a massive favour and remove Fraser's Page?. Would gain support of political heavy- weight. Thanks mate

Trevor Dunen said...

No problems mate, it is removed.

Anonymous said...

The York Ratepayers and Residents Association meets every second Wednesday 7 pm - at Uniting Church
Cnr. Grey & Pool Streets (west side of Railway line).

For Further information people can email or send a letter to PO Box 201
York WA 6302

Anonymous said...

Thats The Second Wednesday In the month for the Ratepayers meetings

Anonymous said...

Thanks Trev
You Fuckwits at the shire do not appreciate that Trevor is a perfecly reasonable individual. Why has the shire not formulated a response to this Blog?
Thanks Anonymous, does the the York Ratepayers and Residents Association have a webite? How many members do you have? If I join can I remain anonymous? (For obvious reason's). Trev, my little birdie has told me there is some shit about to brew up over the racecourse. Seem's to be issues all over the town , and what is obvious is they all lead back to the Shire. Trev, everyone is talking about this Blog, although its rattled alot of cages, people need to know what's going on. Keep it up.
Good to meet you Mel, interesting, especially the Fisher stuff.

Trevor Dunen said...

Yeas, thanks Steve, I never thought this blog would have such an impact and that it might change things. If the York Council had approached me and had a talk we might have been able to sort things out, but I won't be bought and I want the truth. These Wallies will hang out and hope they can ride the storm out until one or more get caught and goes to jail. Keep posting.

Anonymous said...

The Residents and Ratepayers Association has not got a website, as of the last meeting they have 122 members, members information is strictly confidential.

Anonymous said...

Having no intention to comment on this Blog site, I now find myself compelled too.
It appears thing’s have taken a sinister and dangerous direction.
To authorise one individual with power to seemingly hunt down and punish any person he deems to be denigrating person’s within the Shire, is totalitarian!
The internet is a valuable and effective mean’s to communicate with the masses; it has become a significant tool allowing individuals to voice an honest opinion about any subject they choose.
To attempt to stop this avenue for free speech and hunt down and punish any contributor’s is reminiscent of past infamous dictatorships
I suggest the Shire take an almost passive approach and enter the debate.
If the Shire has approached Federal and State authorities, would these authorities investigate, what seem to be important allegations?
We live in a society that allows and encourages free speech so individuals can express their honest opinions, without the fear of persecution and intimidation.

Anonymous said...

The Law of Defamation- For Material Published After 1 January 2006

NOTE: This information sheet has been prepared in light of the enactment of ‘uniform’ defamation laws in 2006. It is based on the New South Wales law which is a model in effect for other states. However, be aware that the legislation is still not entirely uniform.

If the material in issue was published prior to 2006, please refer to our Information Sheet entitled ‘The Law of Defamation – for material published pre-2006’.

Defamation is a communication from one person to at least one other that lowers or harms the reputation of an identifiable third person, where the communicator (the publisher) has no legal defence. The law of defamation aims to balance free speech with the right of an individual to enjoy a reputation free from an indefensible attack.

While the news media tends to be the main target for defamation actions, people have also sued over poems, novels, cartoons, paintings, photographs, artistic criticisms, songs and satire. Threats of defamation actions are often used to stifle criticism or to settle other grievances such as invasion of privacy (see also the Information Sheet ‘Privacy and the Private Sector’).

The law of defamation is complex and often unpredictable. Defamation actions are very costly, difficult to defend and substantial monetary damages can be awarded. In some cases plaintiffs can obtain a court order called an ‘injunction’ preventing any further communication of the offending publication or material.

This information sheet is designed to give a brief overview of the law of defamation, how the risks can be minimised, and what to do if you are threatened with an action.
What is defamation?
For a defamation action to succeed, the person complaining of the defamation (the plaintiff) has to prove three things:
1. that the communication has been published to a third person
2. that the communication identifies (or is about) the plaintiff; and
3. that the communication is defamatory.
The communication has been published to a third person
To be defamatory, the material has to be ‘published’ (communicated by any means – written, orally, pictorially) to at least one person other than the plaintiff. The intention of the publisher does not matter – liability for defamation can arise from errors.

Everyone involved in the publication is potentially liable and each, all, or some can be sued. This means that writers, publishers, editors, artists and gallery owners must all be aware of the potential dangers. This also means that it is no defence to argue that you are only repeating rumours or a comment made by somebody else: you can be liable for a republication.
The communication identifies the plaintiff
The plaintiff has to prove that the plaintiff was the person identified by the communication. This is obviously most straightforward when the plaintiff is actually named, but other information may be sufficient. Even the use of a false name may not save you if the plaintiff can be identified by other means.

There have been cases where identification has been accidental, for instance when the fictional name ‘Artemus Jones’ happened to have a real-life equivalent.

A class of people cannot be defamed, but a statement denigrating a group may be defamatory of a member of that group. The plaintiff must show that the words would be understood to refer to that plaintiff in particular. If the group is reasonably large, it is less likely that this can be proven.

Generally, a dead person cannot be defamed, although a living relative may be if the communication defames them by association.

Anonymous said...

In all States and Territories, companies and other organisations with a ‘legal personality’ (eg. incorporated associations, trade unions, local councils) cannot sue for defamation. There are specific exceptions however, which allow some companies to sue, that depend on the nature of the company and the number of its employees.
A corporation can still sue for defamation if:
1. it is a non-profit corporation and not a public body (such as a local government or public authority); or
2. it employs less than 10 people, is not related to another corporation and is not a public body.

In assessing the number of employees of a company, part time employees are to be taken into account as an appropriate fraction of a full time equivalent.
The communication defames them
The key issue in a defamation action is damage to a person’s reputation. The test of whether a communication is defamatory is: ‘Does the communication lower/harm the plaintiff’s reputation, hold the plaintiff up to ridicule, or lead others to shun and avoid the plaintiff?’ This is judged from the viewpoint of ‘ordinary reasonable people in the community in general’ and in light of contemporary standards.

The meaning that is argued over (the ‘imputation’) might not be what you meant to say. The literal meaning of the communication is not the only meaning that is considered. The court looks at what it considers the ordinary reader or viewer could have understood the communication to mean. This may differ from what both the plaintiff and the defendant think.

The courts will expect the ordinary reader or viewer to engage in a ‘certain amount of loose thinking’, to ‘read between the lines’ and to be guided by the idea that ‘where there is smoke there is fire’. Be careful if you are reporting ‘allegations’ – the audience may presume that there is a factual basis to them. It is important to remember that the law uses the ‘ordinary reasonable reader/listener/viewer’ – a hypothetical person – to test whether a publication is defamatory.

The plaintiff does not have to prove that the imputation is false, that it actually caused them harm, or that you meant it to cause harm. On the other hand, just because an imputation hurts or upsets a plaintiff, does not mean that it is defamatory. It must affect their reputation in a damaging way.

The limits are unclear in relation to humour, cartoons or satire. Words obviously intended only as a joke may be reasonably safe, but there may be a problem if there are underlying defamatory facts understood by the audience. You can publish photos or film of people in funny situations unless it makes the subject look ridiculous or the target of derision rather than good humour.

Context is important. A picture can become defamatory according to placement. A comment might not be defamatory when told to a limited audience, but may become defamatory when removed from its context and circulated more widely. In one case a plaintiff who told a small group of friends a self-deprecating story about being mistaken for a hangman was able to sue when a local newspaper published the story.

This can also work in favour of defendants. The plaintiff can’t just take one imputation out of context as there may be an ‘antidote’ to a defamatory imputation in other parts of the communication.
The first step when someone threatens you with defamation is to establish whether they actually have a case. The plaintiff must be able to prove all three elements discussed above – that the material has been communicated to a third person (other than the plaintiff), that the plaintiff is identified in the communication and that the communication defames them.

The next step is to consider whether you have a defence under the law of defamation. Defences include:

1. Honest opinion (previously known as fair comment)
2. Justification/Truth
3. Qualified privilege
4. Other defences
Honest Opinion (Fair Comment)

Anonymous said...

Previously referred to as the defence of fair comment, the defence of honest opinion requires you to prove that the material communicated was an expression of honest opinion rather than a statement of fact, on a matter of public interest and was based on proper material. To take advantage of this defence you have to be able to prove three things:

a. the communication must, on the face of it, be comment – that is: an opinion, criticism, deduction, judgment, remark, observation, or conclusion;
b. the facts upon which the opinion is based must be stated unless they are widely known. This is required so that the readers/viewers/listeners are able to form their own views on the facts. These facts have to be known to you when you make the communication. It is very important that the comment is clearly distinguishable from the facts upon which it is based; and
c. the communication has to be on a matter of public interest.

The opinion can be extreme, as long as it is honestly held by the communicator. This means that you have to be very careful in responding to an initial complaint. If you say that you ‘didn’t mean it’ this could subsequently make it very difficult to raise the defence of honest opinion.

The defence of honest opinion is obviously very relevant for reviewers and critics, but it can also be useful for satirists, comedians and other artists whose work incorporates an element of social commentary.
The new uniform legislation in the states provides the defence of justification. This is a complete defence if you can provide the material published was substantially true. This means that if an imputation is found to be defamatory, this defence requires the publisher to prove it to be true in substance or not materially different from the truth. This can be difficult as you can only use evidence that is admissible in court – this means that you will need original documents and/or witnesses who are credible and willing to testify in court.

Your sources have to have first hand knowledge of the relevant circumstances. The rules against ‘hearsay’ evidence will prevent you putting forward witnesses who ‘heard something from somebody else’.

The publisher may try to prove the plaintiff’s imputations (say [a] and [b]) to be true. Or the publisher may say the publications also means [c] and [d] and they are defamatory and true in which case the plaintiff can fail because the unproved imputations [a] and [b] do not further injure the plaintiff’s reputation. In some states (including New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania) before the introduction of the uniform laws the defendant was required to establish that the material was published for the public benefit in addition to proving the published material was true. In contrast, under the new uniform laws truth alone constitutes the defence. A possible consequence of these changes is that the publication of private details of person’s life will be allowed, provided they are truthfully portrayed, even though there might be no wider public interest in the receipt of those details.
Qualified privilege
The defence of ‘qualified privilege’ applies when you have an interest or a legal, social or moral duty to communicate something to a person and that person has a corresponding interest or duty to receive the information. The link between you and the person you are communicating the material to is crucial to the defence.

Qualified privilege traditionally protects communications such as references given by employers or complaints to the police or other relevant authorities. The defence will fail if the plaintiff can show that you were actually motivated by malice to make the communication. This means that it can be dangerous to attempt to ‘get even’ with someone by bad-mouthing them. If they choose to sue, you may find yourself without a defence.

Anonymous said...

This defence was originally designed for one-to-one communications. It is less likely to be successful when your communication is published to a wider audience because you have to demonstrate the corresponding interest or duty with each member of the audience. There are two important exceptions. Firstly, if you have been attacked publicly you are entitled to make a public response. Secondly, the High Court has recognised (in the case Lange v ABC) a corresponding duty and interest between members of the Australian community in publishing and receiving information about government and political matters.

In some instances the success of the defence will depend upon the ‘reasonableness’ of the publisher’s conduct in the circumstances surrounding the publication. Under the new uniform laws, additional guidance as to relevant factors going to the reasonableness of the publication have been provided. These factors include: (i) the nature of the business environment in which the defendant operates; (ii) the extent to which the matter distinguishes between suspicions, allegations and proven facts; and (iii) whether it is in the public interest for the matter to be published promptly.
Other defences
There are other defences, however they are less relevant to artists and a discussion of them is outside the scope of this information sheet. They include: the defence of triviality; protected reports of court and parliamentary proceedings; and the defence of innocent publication in relation to those such as newsagents (and possibly Internet service providers) who cannot reasonably be expected to be aware of the defamatory content of material they distribute.
Place of Publication
A plaintiff may sue in any Australian State or Territory in which the communication was published to a third party. In the case of an article or comment on a website, this is any State or Territory in which a person browsing the web reads or downloads that article or comment. It doesn’t matter for the purposes of defamation law where the website itself is hosted.
Limitation Period
For material published after 1 January 2006 if you wish to sue someone in defamation, you must commence the action within one year of the publication of the material. However the court retains the discretion to extend this period.
Before you Publish
1. Consider the communication as a whole including any headlines or illustrations. Consider the context. Ask yourself – which groups or individuals have been identified? What imputations arise? Are they defamatory? Try to put yourself in the position of potential plaintiffs;
2. See if editing or clarification can remove any unintended defamatory imputations;
3. Check who is identified in the communication. Narrowing the scope of the article, or removing details that can lead to identification can avoid potential problems;
4. Consider the benefits of publishing against the risk of being sued for defamation;
5. What defences might be relevant? If it is meant to be comment, ensure that it is clearly identified as such (for example by adding “In myopinion…” and that the facts on which it is based are stated or obvious); and
6. If you want to argue that the defamatory imputations are true, how can they be proved? What has been done to verify their accuracy? Remember proof has to be to the stringent standards demanded by a court. Sources need to be first hand (what if they wish to remain confidential

Trevor Dunen said...

I am in actual fact expecting proceedings of which I will defend, but there is no win in it for I have nothing. Excellent views though and thanks for the post about defamation. I stand by everything I say with truth as the defence.

Anonymous said...

If you’re threatened with an action for defamation
1. Check whether they have a case by determining whether all the elements for defamation are there: defamatory meaning, identification, and publication. Remember that just because a communication is insulting, annoying, false or damaging to someone’s business doesn’t meant that it is necessarily defamatory.
2. Consider what, if any, defences are applicable to you.
3. Decide if you wish to apologise, correct, clarify, or retract. The new uniform defamation laws provide mechanisms and timing requirements for making an offer to make amends. An offer will not constitute an admission of fault or liability but may be taken into account in mitigation of damages if the plaintiff is successful in court.
4. Seek legal advice before responding. It is important to get legal advice promptly.
Further changes to defamation law in Australia
If you are printing out this information sheet for future reference please note that the Commonwealth Government have indicated that there should continue to be further reform to Australian defamation law and the introduction of uniform defamation legislation in the States is merely a platform for further reform. Please check the Arts Law website for new updates to this information sheet as legislative changes occur, or contact Arts Law for further information if you are unsure.

Anonymous said...

Evening Trev
This is getting to be a long read! Reading the latest post's and the fact you've given your "Honest Opinion" don't panic. There's a bit in there about Local Councils not being able to sue. If they want to sue individualy, great I've got two letters and a photo, which prove's one of my "honest opinion's". Bring it on. I have to apologise to the YUM (York Underground Movement)I did'nt realise it already existed. We have renamed ourselves The PPFOY (Popular Peoples Front of York) our moto is, always look on the bright side of life.
Anyway mate, I've been down south for a couple of day's so I have to catch up with my little birdie at the Shire.

Anonymous said...

have a look at some of the shire's work of late. The pavers in the main street as filthy as they were before they were replaced and still remain unsealed. howick st toilet's good luck trying to get in and past the toilet roll and close the door behind you. I shudder to think of what money will be wasted in future projects when these two projects bring to light such poor planning. does the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

Anonymous said...

Is there any use in complaining when it falls on deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

The PPFOY wish to make it abundantely clear to Federal and State authorities, we are not a terrorist group, just in case the Shire claim we are.
Mr Castrilli if you are reading this, if these Shire amalgamation's have to go ahead, please do not allow this Fascist Regime at the Shire, to have anything to do with it.

Anonymous said...

An open letter already sent to Sandra O'Brien, the chairperson of York FM (I think).

"Dear Sandra O'Brien, my name is Alan Peachey and I believe you are the acting chairperson of the local community radio station. I write to you because as the chairperson of a public entity namely the York Radio Station, you have certain obligations to the public which are in place to stop dishonesty.

I would like to officially ask you for a copy of the minutes of the last AGM in 2009. Copies of the minutes for all of this years monthly committee meetings. The name of the elected or acting treasurer, the names of all committee members and a spread sheet for the financial records for the Community Radio Station for the year 2008/2009.

I do not mind paying for photocopying and postage.

All correspondence should be made via this email address and all of the above documents should be sent to-

This letter being part of the incoming documentation of the radio station would be a public document anyway as would be your response so it has been published on the York Blog as will be your response. Failure to comply will initiate a complaint to the Fraud Squad and a police investigation as you have refused to hand over copies of these public documents in the past so be warned".

I wrote this letter because there is confusion in the community as to whether or not the radio station is actually incorporated and has an elected committee and treasurer. The station generates a lot of funds and these funds are in the hands of volunteers, only fair we have a good look at what is going on, of course if everything is above board then there will be no problems. Steve can you answer any of these questions for me or make some inquiries. I heard that at the AGM there were no solid financials?

regards Alan Peachey

Anonymous said...

Morning Alan
Alas mate, public document's unfortunately mean nothing in this Regime. You’re correct; the Radio Station is funded through the Shire. The Regime would have or should have copies of financials, which should be open for public inspection. In my "Honest Opinion" I understand there have been cash transactions, you know what I am saying!
I have to very careful asking questions, as York said; "To authorise one individual with power to seemingly hunt down and punish any person he deems to be denigrating person’s within the Shire, is totalitarian!", I am a wanted person.
It will be interesting to see the outcome of the Triple c investigation into financial management at the Shire; this may include the Radio Station.
According to the 2008-2009 budget the Regime have spent $23000 on Public Relations, now maybe I'm missing something here. Fucking
23K, how and where? The elections are in the next two months, so good people of York beware, this slimy, lying, corrupt, dishonest, gay regime (in my honest opinion) will be out for votes.
How are you Trev? This Blog has really got to Nazi’s at the Shire, more importantly the public are now aware of issues in the town. Reading yorks post on deformation etc, seems, “Qualified Privilege” comes into play.

Anonymous said...

Mr Shire President, you imbecile. If by any remote chance you do hunt me down. What then? Are you going to spend thousands of ratepayer’s dollars suing me, for what, telling the truth! Or maybe a public hanging, more in tune with your style of leadership.
You bald wanker. (Not defamatory, you are bald and I presume you occasionally masturbate)

Trevor Dunen said...

reply to my request for public documents from Sandra O'Brien at theradio station


Trevor Dunen said...

My reply-

"Dear Sandra O'Brien

What do you mean you are going to the Police- what for, this is a reasonable request?!! Are you aware of your role and your obligations as Chairperson of the radio station. You cannot deny me these documents, read the rules.You have a duty to the public to supply these documents and you are denying my request, that is not an answer, why are you going to the police, I wish to see the financial state of the Radio Station. I too am contacting the police and reporting you for Fraud as well as the appropriate authorities. No offence has been committed by anyone here except you!?? When Can I have these documents and why are you denying me my legal right to see them. What are you hiding? Are you stealing?

Best regards Alan Peachey"

What a strange way to behave, immediately creates suspicion doesn't it?
I am going to make an official report to the Police about the whole matter as I think she is stealing- why not just hand the documents over if all is above board, now listen to this York and take note, these documents do not exist and theft is happening at York FM, that is why we get the Police response, reverse phsychology!

Trevor Dunen said...

Public letter already sent to Sandr O'Brien_

Dear Radio Station Chairperson-

Please supply me with the public documents belonging to the community radio station, you are not a private entity and you as chairperson have a legal responsibility to supply members of the public with the information I have requested. Your response has been posted on a public web site which has 1000 readers a day. I am lodging a complaint with the Fraud squad as I believe you are stealing Radio Statiion funds and operating illegally. I want the names of all committee members and the minutes and financials. These letters of demand will also be shown to the appropriate authorities and the police. I beleive the reason you are denying me these documents is that you are not keeping proper financial records and that you do not have a legal treasurer on York FM's Commitee and I believe you are stealing. Why else would you deny me what is legally my right- the community does not know what is happening at the radio station and we have a right to know, this is after all a radio station paid for by public funds, and you Sandra should know the rules. Copies of minutes and financials are to be available to any that ask at all times. I demand that you send me these documents. You should also know that the blog that this letter has been posted on is being read by the TV and newspaper press, after all I sent it to them. To tye Police that are reading this letter, I believe that Sandra O'Brien is stealing funds from the radio station and is hiding the fact by refusing to release documents that would prove what I am saying is true, the radio station has a shocking history of theft and mismanangement and I have seen past records with my own eyes where radio station funds have been spent on petrol, beer, groceries and a $300 ceramic cat as well as $1500 given out in a payment for "labour" to the chairpersons husband. You are in charge of public funds and to prevent theft, Fraud and mismangement the rules state that you must have an open book policy in regard to minutes of meetings and financial records. Are you the elected Chairperson, do you have a legally elected Treasurer? Was there an AGM and did you supply financial records reconciled by a public accountant to that AGM. All reasonable questions of which York requires answers. Now Take this to the Police.

Trevor Dunen said...

excerpt from the WA Department of Commerce rules on Associations:

An association must make sure the following records are kept:

an up to date version of the rules;
a list of the names and address of people who are office holders under the rules of the
association, including committee members, any trustees, and those authorised to use the
common seal;
accounting records which correctly record and explain the financial transactions and position
of the association, in such a manner that enable true and fair accounts to be prepared and for these accounts to be conveniently audited; and
an up to date register of all members, including their residential or postal addresses.

Recordkeeping and the Department:
Unlike other states, there is no requirement under the Western Australian Act that associations
submit annual returns to this department. It is important however, that associations maintain
adequate records of their operations, particularly financial records, as in certain circumstances the department can direct that association records be provided to the department or that the association undergo a financial audit. Failure to comply with the department’s directions may be a criminal offence.

Trevor Dunen said...

Letter to Dept of consumer Affairs in Perth

Dear Sir/ Madam, I am a member of the public interested in an incorporated organistation, namely the York FM Radio Station in York Western Australia. I recently wrote to the acting chairperson Sandra O'Brien to ask if she had a legally elected treasurer. I also asked for minutes of the AGM and to see any financial records.

My concern is that Sandra O'Brien the chairperson of York FM's response in writing was that she was calling the police. No mention of supplying me with any records, just "Im calling the Police"

I explained Sandra O'Brien that she had a legally bound duty to let me see the records as I had a suspicion that no records were kept and that fraud and or theft may be going on.

From what little information I have been able to gain I do not believe that any financial records were tabled at the AGM or even if there was an AGM. I believe that Sandra O'Brien the Chaiperson is in charge of York FM funds as she is also acting as treasurer which is illegal.

I have serious concerns about the whole matter as past Chairpersons of this radio station have failed to keep proper records, the station has a bad history of it and wholesale theft has been allowed to occur.

I respectfully ask that the Department of Consumer Affairs exercise it's right to demand a financial audit of the Stations books as I do not beleive any exist as no member has had any information forthcoming from the acting Chairperson Sandra O'Brien and the community has deep concerns as to what is happening as they simply refuse to acknowledge wrritten request for records, financial and otherwise or to supply them.

Best regards Alan Peachey

Trevor Dunen said...

Sandra O'Brien Complaints have been made as well about York FM to the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia as well as the Australian Communications and Media Authority. Get your shop in order Sandra and start complying with the rules, I hope you are an incorporated body because if you aren't you will soon be closed. Get the books in order mate because people are coming to look at them. I have been informed that you are well aware of the rules and were given a copy of them, they were explained to you in full so you are not stupid just devious and cunning

Unknown said...

Welcome to the re-election campaign of ANTONY BOIL,

Future Shire Councillor of York Western Australia.

Ladies and Gentlemen I do not want to bore you with my accomplishments as all who know me say I am a very modest man, but in a few words of information about me you will see that I am ready to tackle the challenges of the future.

We have managed, with the help of the Minister of Local Government Mr. Castrati to get through the simplest way you can vote for your local Shire Councillors.

This means ladies and gentlemen that you don’t have to be able to count, and many of you don’t know this, or write your name.

I haven’t been able to write at all especially since those pesky ratepayers and residents asked me to reply to a letter. Now I ask you ladies and gentlemen; it was beneath me to write to this group of radicals who want to change the status quo. This is my only remnant of Laton from school, however I still remember the Laton for LIMP DICK, (my colleague).

Now I ask you ladies and gentlemen that I do not want you to mark on the ballot paper with a cross any of the sitting councillors. But you MUST place a small cross in the bottom left hand corner of the ballot paper.
For him
The sitting councillors have an arrangement with the returning officer for him to mark our ballot papers if we need any more votes to again sweep into power.

This is a similar arrangement that Pat Hooper had with his scrutineer Gordon Marwick to show him the ballot papers before they were counted at the last election. Highly illegal of course but he got away with it so I don’t see any reason why I can’t either!

But ladies and gentlemen I digress, the present Shire council is at full steam trying to make the future of you ignorant people better.

We have planned a sports stadium to rival that of the Birds Nest in Beijing. It is going to cost nearly SIX MILLION DOLLARS but we won’t be borrowing a cent.

We will be selling the Town Hall;
Building flats on Peace Park;
Building a high rise on the Sandalwood Yards,
and when we get our hands on the York Race Course land we will be selling this off to our mates in the local estate agencies.

Then we will be cutting down more trees for firewood so that we can lay pink concrete everywhere. Ladies and gentlemen, you are going to just love the look; Versace would be proud.

Of course the result of all of this activity is that we can PRACTICALLY GUARANTEE the votes of the Football Club, The Trotting Club, The Hockey Club, The Bowling Club, Cricket Club and the muscle builders at the Gym.

So far we have infiltrated all the above clubs and we have a good number of Race Club members ready to sign away the land to the Shire of York. So far the blackmail scheme we have devised to stuff the race club up is going to plan and we don’t see any problems.

The Sandalwood Yards is in the bag already because we have probably 80% of the committee ready to sign away this land to us as well.

This is known in the best traditions of politics as Pork Barrelling, but of course we don’t want that to get about.

Oh! We haven’t told them that the maintenance costs for this building will be enormous and they will have to somehow find the money for our largesse to them.

When Gavin Troy was here he told all the ratepayers at meetings that York could not afford a building of this kind. I was not at any of these meetings because I was busy being an ordinary millionaire.

I expect to receive a good percentage of the development cost of Six Million Dollars as a finders fee as I have been running around like a blue arsed fly to line all this stuff up.

The World book Dictionary in its heraldry section states that, “and I quote”:-


A painful red swelling on the skin, formed by pus around a hard core.
Boils are often caused by infection.
Old English – byle.

Suits me; don’t you think?
Don’t vote for me; leave it to the Returning Officer.
Antony Boil.

Trevor Dunen said...

Excellent Information

Shire of York said...

Hello Trevor
Can we link to your site?

Trevor Dunen said...

check out the new Free York web site at

Trevor Dunen said...

not a problem mate, link away, it's all good, had a look at your site at

do you need me to do anything further to make the link?

Shire of York said...

Hello Trevor
Thankyou for your support. Can't believe Pat Hoopers a follower!Brian

Trevor Dunen said...

Pat has always been a big fan, it's a love hate relationship, he loves to hate me! I don't hate him personally but I hate what he represents, one day I too hope to get a lifetime membership award to York FM just like Ken Emberson the signwriting throw back hippy, imbecile. What a joke, the Chairperson Sandra O'Brien has only been here about 3 years, she wouldn't know what Ken has done if anything and it's questionable whether the radio station is legal. They had 100 members and 32 presenters before Sandra O'Brien took over, now look at it, it's turned into her personal show. I heard her name was marked in bold in the local newspaper Radio Guide and all of the other presenters, just mere mortals are in normal case, now that's power

Anonymous said...

keep us informed of the going ons

Trevor Dunen said...

Oh don't worry I will I plan to find out who is running the radio station, who the committee is and if they are running illegally and mkore importantly who is controlling the money, the past set up is that the incoming Chairperson usually harasses and attakcs the treasurer until they they resign and then they also resume the roll of treasurer, a move that is highly illegal in an incorpopration, what I actually think is going on is that they don't have a full committee or a quorum and that Sandra O'Brien is dual Trasurer and Chairperson, where are the funds going, they won't provide financials because they haven't got them, a situation that is ripe for theft and fraud and it is a criminal offence not to have them and it is your money being stolen!! Can any member of the radio station tell me who is the acting committee and their roles??!

Trevor Dunen said...

A brief History of York FM.- Mara Abbott was acting chairperson and Treasurer in 2005, having these dual roles is illegal. When she was voted off a large amount of money was missing and the books were incomplete and in disarray, I inspected the books myself and the publics money was mostly spent on Food, petrol and beer for of course Mara Abbott and her husband. A $1500 payment for labor was made to Mara Abbotts husband. A ceramic cat was purchased for $300 from Mara Abbotts sister, the money was paid but the cat was never received? Why did York FM need a ceramic cat? Once this theft and mismanagement was discovered Dee Robinson was voted in as Chairperson and Mustang Sally as Treasurer. All members wer looking towards Dee Robinson to be honest and look after the station in a legal fashion. Immediatley Dee Robinson set about attacking the Treasurer and Mustang Sally was admitted to hospital with a nervous break-down, Leisha Denne was then illegally appointed Treasurer for a short time and then resigned leaving Dee Robinson in charge of the books. Dee Roboinson immediately went on a fund raising drive. Concerned members advised her to ensure that she kept correct and legal financials and on many occasions members including myself asked to inspect the books. We knew Dee Robinson was stealing but we didn't have the proof and during her time as Chairperson her car was broken into and alas she somehow mysteriously had drawn $7500 of the radio stations money out of the bank and had it in a briefcase with all the financials of the radio station, she left this money and the books in her car unattended and the money and the books went missing, how convenient. So Dee Robinson was voted off as Chairperson at the next AGM and there were no financials, later after an audit it was found $4500 was missing but it could not be proved who took it because no books were kept. Sandra O'Brien then took over and Mustang Sally was elected as treasurer. Again Mustang Sally was "sacked" as treasurer and Sandra O'Brien took over both roles, which is illegal for obvious reasons. It is not known what happened during this year as no information is forthcoming. Sandra Obrien is again Chairperson and Treasurer, but with a twist, despite being asked to provide a list of all committee members, the minutes and financials for the last AGM and the current financials for the radio station Now Sandra O'Brien has threatened to go running to the police becasue I asked for this information- why? What is she hiding, why is she acting in an illegal fashion when in charge of a public entity that is supposed to be open an accountable?? I am informed that Sandra O'Brien went to a forum in Northam run by consumer Affairs that explained how to run a Association and she was also given copies of the constitiution and rules and regulations of an Association by Mustang Sally as well as being taught what the correct procedure is so ignorance is no excuse, this lady knows exactly what she is doing. The station was warned in 2006 that they did not have a dispute resolution procedure in place to protect the members and unless they got on in place they would be closed down, this never happened and they were never closed down, this story made the daily newspaper. This is why people in the station could be attacked , they did not have the correct procedures in place and for good reason, if this dispute resolution procedure was in place they had over 30 (thirty) written complaints and not one was dealt with, thank the alcoholic dentist John Fenn for that, a sneaky dishonest little individual is he! The way this station has been run, the way people have been victimised and harassed and vilified is disgusting and it still goes on today, but not for much longer, the power of Yorks community will stop all of this rubbish now, especially since it is all being reported on this and other blogs for all to see.

Trevor Dunen said...

Letter sent to Sandra O'Briend today-

Come clean Sandra, all of Australia, and York as well as the press are reading this blog, you are on shaky ground my dear, I want to know the financial state of the radio station, I want to know who your committee is and I want you to read the story below which has been posted on both York Blogs, you will not get away with what you are doing, there are rules and procedures in place and I am here to ensure you obey them, you are in charge of a public entity using public funds and grants, you cannot just stick your head in the sand and ignore all this, things have changed now and we are all much more publicly aware of what is going on and what must legally go on- this was posted on my blog and another one today, why are you refusing to co-operate, why do you refuse to name your committee and Treasurer, is it becasue you are being dishonest like the past three York FM committees? I will not give up until you have come clean, my guess is that you will eventually go to jail. If you think you will just ride out the storm and hope it just blows away you are kidding yourself. I know you are stealing and are not keeping correct financials! For that you will pay legally! Today I lodge a written complaint to the Police Fraud Squad

Trevor Dunen said...

Letter to Sandra Dee Today-

Sandra, the internet is a beautiful thing, I have sent the following complaint to the the State Premier, The minister for State Development Colin Barnett, The minster for Consumer Affairs Troy Buswell, The minister for Police Rob Johnson, the minister for Tourism Elizabeth Constable and the Minister for local Government John Castrilli. I must say one thing Sandra, you've either got balls or you are going to find yourself in serious trouble and it will all be reported publicly on the internet. Good luck you are going to need it, I hope you have the time and the nous to deal with all of these miinsters as I can assure you they will be asking questions and so will the police, the council will be pissed with you as there is an election coming up, I have already received a phone call from the premeirs office and they are investigating.

"Dear Minister, I am a resident of York, Western Australia but am currently residing in Melbourne for a short period.
York has a community Radio Station which is incorporated as an Association. It is called York FM. Unfortunately in the years 2005-2007 various committee chairpersons took the drastic step of sacking their officially elected treasurer and of taking over the financial running of the station themselves. This is of course illegal.

When the financial records were examined during the time of these past Chairpersons Mara Abbott in 2005 and Dee Robinson in 2006 large amounts of money were missing or stolen. Public money that is from donations, grants and fundraising as well as paid advertisements. In 2007 a person named Sandra O'Brien who uses the alias Sandra Dee took over the running of the station as elected Chairperson, she immediatley sacked her treasurer Sue McCloud and again took over the running of the stations finances, a move which is illegal. No audited financial records were tabled at the AGM

This year Sandra O'Brien could not get a committee together so she just continued on running the station without an elected treasurer or Commitee, this woman is in charge of many thousands of dollars in public funds.

One of the rules and regulations of an Association is that they must keep regular audited financials and they must be available to members of York FM. My complaint to you and the Police Fraud Squad is that I believe that this woman Sandra O'Brien is running the station illegally, without a treasurer and without being elected Chairperson, but more importantly I believe she is stealing radio station funds, that is public money by not keeping the correct records and failing to supply these records to members of the radio station which is a legal requirement.

I ask that your office assign the appropriate Police Department to fully investigate the matter of Fraud and theft at York FM which I am lead to believe has been going on for the past 2 years. What is this type of behaviour doing for Tourism in York WA?

Yours faithfully

Alan Peachey

Trevor Dunen said...

I received a phone call on my mobile phone this morning from the York FM radio station, when I answered the phone the person on the other end hung up, when I rang back Sandra O'Brien answered the phone, I told her it's Trevor Dunen, what do you want? the Reply "Fuck Off". Charming Sandra!

Trevor Dunen said...

Sandra, this morning you rang me and you used the phone at York FM, the call might have only cost the public (not you) a $1 but what you did is illegal, you are using the radio station phone for your own public use, that is not permitted, telling me to fuck off was not wise, you will no doubt receive various contacts in good time from various state ministers wanting to know what you are doing. Why do they want to know that? Because the funds you are in charge of are public funds and you have a legal responsibility to the public to let them know where the funds are being spent. Do you think you are going to get away with this? Are you going to tell the Premeirs Department to fuck off. I think not, you are a very devious and sneaky individual and your time is up!

Trevor Dunen said...

Letter to the australian Broadcasting Authority re- York FM

Dear Sir/ Madam, I am a member of an incorporated organistation, namely the York FM Radio Station in York Western Australia. York FM has a history of not giving it's members public information about York FM

What I am concerned about is I believe that York FM has turned the power transmitter up at it's station and is now broadcasting to areas not covered by their licence, York FM can be picked up in Perth and beyond Northam and I have long suspected that they were doing this.

If you go to the York FM website which is currently under construction, they are advertising the fact.

go to

and read the line "With the transmitter on Mt Bakewell in York Western Australia, being the best location in the region, York FM is now experiencing a rapid increase in listeners from the whole Avon Valley and beyond."

How is it possible that they are transmitting beyond the Avon Valley, this I believe is illegal, can you please investigate

Trevor Dunen said...

Letter to Greg Goad from the Associations department at Consumer Affairs-

Dear Greg, I have just spoken to a financial member of York FM Milo Wyatt. It is confirmed that Sandra O'Brien is not the elected chairperson at York FM, she is acting as chairperson and alas Treasurer, but no AGM was held to elct her and their were no financials or minutes to this AGM. The station is no longer an Association, they do not have a committee. It has also come to my attention that the station has turned the power level up on it's transmitter and is broadcasting beyond the Avon Valley. Go to and read the line " With the transmitter on Mt Bakewell in York Western Australia, being the best location in the region, York FM is now experiencing a rapid increase in listeners from the whole Avon Valley and beyond." I have suspected this for a while, this is illegal and beyond the scope of their broadcasting licence, I have written to the appropriate authorities. I would ask that you take immediate appropriate action in regard to York FM not having an elected committee. Sandra O'Brien may seem meek and nervous Greg but she is pulling the wool over your eyes.

Best regards Alan Peachey

Trevor Dunen said...

Did you get that readers, York FM is not incorporated, there is no committee. How is Sandra O'Brien able to operate like this illegally and why hasn't somebody done anything about it- where is all the money going??

Shire of York said...

Hello Trevor
I hope you don't get offended but we removed your radio station comments on the PPFOY. Don't get pissed off mate, we want to keep it targeted at the Coucillors and Administration.

Trevor Dunen said...

Dee Robinson has been appointed the coodinator of the Race Club Gala Day in September. Well that's like putting a bank robber in charge of the bank. How on earth could you arrive at such a stupid decision as employing this public relations nigtmare and thief in such a role? She stuffed up the 175th! Read my blog you dick heads, all of it is true. I do really feel glad I have moved out of York. The dick heads just don't learn. This womans qualifications were made up in her head and anything she touches turns to shit. She must have spun a huge yarn to cop this gig. Still York deserves everything it gets when it does stupid things like this. Do not trust her with any cash, it will be put in her car and stolen from it or her house will get broken into the day after she makes a big cash withdrawal for the Race Club. This woman is a big thinker when it comes to cold hard cash and stealing it, so make sure you get receipts for every single little item. Anothersneaky lkittle trick she used at the radio station- she got quotes for 2 securty doors for the station, an no other quotes, she then awarded the job and lo and behold, the same bloke installed a security door to her pivate home, the cost added to the radio station quote, or the job done at cost price or a huge discount.. Dee Robinson is punching well above her weight. She is unqualified ill educated, argumenative and prone to playing elaborate mind games, rough spoken and not familiar with social etiquette, nor does she have any morals. Don't forget York racing club, you were told. When she was up for re-election at York FM she visitid every singlemember and told them she had terminal cancer, there is no end to the sneaky things this sly little forward planner gets up to. when I think about th race club, I do remember tht it is run by right wing elderly nazis, the most likely scenario is that Dee Robinson has teamed up with the person who has appointed her and together they will rip the club blind. Look out for a John Williamson concert, Dee will do anything to get him here as that was her dream, meeting him! I wouoldn't put it past her to put the club in debt to get him here! Fucking low slag she is! Bloody York, things will never change and people will not learn!

Anonymous said...
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Trevor Dunen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sick to death of crap about York said...
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Trevor Dunen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trevor Dunen said...

If you don't like my posts and are sick to death of all the crap about York then don't read it, that would be a solution?

Trevor Dunen said...

Some posts were removed because they were off topic.

Sick to death of crap about York said...

mmm. So you believe in Freedon of Speach so much that you remove other people's posts. That says it all. Freedon of speach but only if the speach is either from you or in agreement with you. Now that's sane!
Also, hae no idea who Sheryl is, but it just goes to show you do not know people as well as you think you do!

Trevor Dunen said...

You have Freedom of Speech! You are free to go and post your own blog. You were talking off topic and making remarks about my heatlh etc. feel free to keep posting but please stay on the topic which is corruption in York. Accusing me of being 3 people, Split personality and Mr. bipolar etc etc are hardly on the topic.

Trevor Dunen said...

Freedom of Speech generally involves another speaking freely in public. That is you would be speaking freely and I would know who you are. All newspaprs require a full name and address for "Letters to the Editor". What you are doing is not Freedom of Speech"! One cannot attack another under the guise of an anonymous identity with personal attacks on that person that are untrue. Every single word I have written on this blog is true. Any person taking offence knows how to serve me with a summons for libel or slander as I am not hiding! You are trying to make some sort of moral argument that I have cut off your freedom of speech. It is a gutless coward who makes comments from behind a Non-de Plume. Put up your full name and you can say what you want. I make all of my comments under my full name because I am not gutless like you. That is Freedom of Speech. If you were so intelligent you would know that and you would also know how to spell "Speech".

Trevor Dunen said...

I have received some posts lately that have asked why I am focusing on something in the past and so negative and that writing all of this may be bad for my health. The people saying these type of things just don't get it, or me. Firstly I am well educated and well read. I know the power of the written word and free speech. Somebody got on here claiming I was bipolar and schizophrenic, that all posts were written by myself under non de plume's, these comments were deleted. Ridiculous accusations and lies will be moderated. Pleae keep on topic. Have you ever heard the term "Don't shoot the messenger". I am just writing about all of the negative things that occurred in York. The writing itself is cathartic for me and like any good controversial writer I like to chase down the big issues. As far as writing about the past; The Claremont Serial killing is in the past but I can assure you the Detectives working on that case will keep doing so. Everything not in the present is in the past, our past forms our future and writing about these past events is an excellent and positive way of ensuring they will not happen again in the future or are not still happening. To accuse me of being negative is a rather naive and immature argument. The people I have written about are thieves con artists and liars, their actions have been exposed on this blog, these people are still active. To forget about what has happened and is happening would go against all my teachings as a child, from my parents to my teachers and my peers. It would cut right across all of my moral judgements as an honorable human being, to ignore the corruption and crime within the local council and other institutions in York. Like all of the world's writers, writing all of this has been a positive influence on my health and my mind. It is only the guilty and cowardice who attempt to use cold war tactics and psychological warfare to prevent me from exposing the truth. I have a clear conscience, do you?

Trevor Dunen said...

York FM has been asked by Consumer Affairs to cough up it's books. There seems to be a bit of a delay though as the books still haven't appeared. I would imagine that Sandra O'Brien (Dee) would be running around York trying to find a treasurer and a committee and wondering what to do. A complaint has also been lodged withthe police in regard to the books as I am sure theft has occurred. Seems Sandra O'Brien has been running about town a tad upset about being asked for the fine details of York FM. Your in the shit Sandra, suck it up my girl. A few rumours have been going around Town that a class action is being formed to launch a defamation action against me. McGinty and Sandra O'Brien were bth mentioned. I would just like to say to these 2 sneaky and weak minded indiviuals that you should bring it on. Any court action will be welcomed and defended. One of the reasons I can say what I like with impunity is that I know that most of the people I have written about are weak gutted spineless individuals that wouldn't have the finances or balls to take me to court. Another rumour is that Alan Peachey and myself are one and the same. Not so. I live in a house with Alan Peachey in Melbourne, he is real. As far as McGinty goes I would like to inform him that he needs a police clearance to take photos of children at any public event- have you got one?

Trevor Dunen said...

To all of my detractors, to the people that want to see me fall- Tim Burns has just come back from New York. The script called "Sight Unseen" which was written for York's 175th will be produced and performed in New York in 2011. The play has had a major re-write an dit and icurrently being submitted for production in Australia. York had better hope this play does not take off as I will use it to tell the world about York. Thankyou Tim Burns

Anonymous said...

Letter to Sandra O'Brien from Alan Peachey

I have heard rumours that you plan to sue my mate Trevor Dunen, Sandra. I suggest you get it into court as soon as possible as we are both keen to counter-sue. Keep in mind that if you do sue, every single item of paper that you have in that radio station as well as all computer records and all committee members will be called to the court for evidence.

As I told you Sandra get your world in order. I would imagine that you are running around like a blue arsed fly trying to put a false committee together and trying to put some sort of plausible paperwork together for the financials to supply to consumer affairs. (To put the readers in the picture, you have been ordered to supply the minutes of the AGM and the financials by Consumer Affairs), so far you have supplied nothing. I was well aware you would do this, I know there is no committee and no paper work and you are responsible, solely on your own. I'd be getting nervous if I were you.

Please be aware Sandra that I will be cross checking all of the information as you knew I would be. If you name a treasure I will be checking that that treasurer has been signing the cheques all along. You want to be careful Sandra that you don't end up in jail, fraud is not the answer, you are only getting yourself in deeper- now do you get it?

There are strict rules in place and you have been ignoring them haven't you? Be very careful what you do now Sandra as I know what is going on, a police investigation is next as of course I have lodged a complaint with them- I wrote to the Minister for Police. How did you go taking mine and Trevor's emails to the police, they weren't interested were they Sandra becasue no offence has been committed.

As for me pulling my blog down, you can still find it in the same place as befre

the readers of course are looking forward to perusing the books after you have furnished them to consumer affairs.

Be well aware that everything you do is being watched on Trevor's blog.

By the way, Alan Peachey and Trevor Dunen are two different people you Wally- Trevor and I are business partners.

warm regards Alan Peachey

Anonymous said...

Trevor Wayne...
Trevor Dunen...
Alan... Peachy?
You must have a rather sad existence... And so much time out from your professional Music career/IT guru and Art dealership to be complaining like a little sookie lala about a defenceless town like York
For god's sake do you honestly have nothing better to do? Then sit and write abuse, but then obviously it must be your P.A doing all the hard yards for you keeping up your bogus identities and fabulous careers, pfff personalities I should say when it's all said and done and your fingers a tired from all your ranting, York is still standing the people in it are still living happy and sleeping soundly all your basically doing by your zillion and one blogs and boo who’s is giving them something to laugh about and sweet cheeks the jokes on you!
If you’re so fabulous might I suggest, you use some of that hard earner money your FABULOUS businesses generate and go buy yourself some happiness...
So impressive at IT, And creating all these wonderful little eccentric personalities which by the way must be so bloody tiresome having all those people running around in your head, Trevor.. I mean Alan oh sorry Steve, or are we feeling a bit Anonyms today, your a has been actually you’re not even that you’re a never was, while you sit there on your moral high horse WHO WAS IT THAT ACTUALLY WENT TO PRISON... Who has the history of violence against women which is so obvious seems as you’re so intent on defaming every women you come into contact with, did they knock you back?
Did the hurt you widdle feelings... PALEASE!!
My suggestion is this... Do us all a favour go use some of your hard earned dosh and go buy yourself something that starts with a RRR and ends with a TTT,
Buy 10 one for each personality that way you keep everyone happy!!

Trevor Dunen said...

firstly I don't hide behind false or anonymous identities. as far as your drivel about me being all these other people, your on the wrong track there, if you beleive all that then you are off your fucking head. I don't have any money, I am broke. History of violence against women???? where did you get that bullshit. Yes I went to prison, so what? so did Brian Burke, Laurie Connell, Alan Bond, Tiny Pinder, Derryn Hinch, Glen Wheatley, Eric Burdon, Chrissy Amphlett, Alison Durban, Nelson Mandela. As far as the Coral Middleton incident which sent me to jail, firstly she is a nutcase, I was rooting her at the time and if you knew your facts you would know she was stalking me and I didn't want to see her anymore- no violence was involved, I was convicted of aggravated burglary. Sheryl Woodyard (nutcase nymphomaniac, compulsive liar) my former partner I left and she was stalking me too and no I wouldn't go back with her despite her pleas, at the time I was also rooting Antoinette Kennedy another nutcase. I am seeing someone at the moment. My music career is fine, I play at Hardimans Hotel in Kensington every week. Mate don't get jealous. I lead an exciting life and yes I do a bit of Web design. Youseem to be stalking me too, you sound a bit psychotic and obsessive. Th fact is you say I'm this and that and then the sad part is your on here spending all your time reading my stuff and writing letters to me, now what does that tell me- I have another fan. As far as me being all these personalities I am happy for you to believe that you fucking fruit, I mean whatever rows your boat mate. Have a nice life. Oh and try to stop reading all of my stuff too much as well as the other blog, your becoming a bit obsessive, bad for your mental heath. I think the jokes on you actually!

Trevor Dunen said...

my full name is trevor wayne dunen dick head, Trevor Wayne as every one knows is the name I use when I perform, lots of musicians do it, more about marketing than anything and less to do with multiple personalities, this is fully explained on both my myspace, facebook and youtube pages as well as my album. I am not hiding anything you conspiracy theory tripper- Dunen is hard to pronounce and spell so Wayne (which is actually my name) it is that was printed on my CD cover

Anonymous said...

I mean jesus mate you wrote the book but,

Please note that one of your personalities must have got out of hand, At the end of every blog it goes on to say..

Trevor is a sucessful this and a sucessful that... everyone is a different job but it all reads the same, trev thinks he's a bloody legend

You got nothin but time to waste, and from the sounds of it

The common denominator is


I went to jail for agravated buglary but no violence, ah huh isnt that enough to tell you something.. Your justifying what you went to prison for based on violent behaviour not being involved, just you keep telling yourself that im sure in your mind it makes everything ok...

No offence but if the girl at the telecentre was showing you her snatch mate you had no need for RSVP did you it was there infront of you and you wouldn't need to complain about the 10 bucks you pay for stamps only to get regected

If your so happy and in such a great place in your life then act on it,

Stop insulting people on the internet and picking on a defensless small community, find another cause save the whales, whatever floats your boat shouldn't take much.

And as for my mental health..

You got the sausages mate, shame about the barbie.

Trevor Dunen said...

Going to jail taught me to live my life to the hilt at full revs and I did Pentridge when I was 19 Years old and it was for traffic fines, so what??. Hey I will do what I want when I want and a few comments from you won't stop me and if your calling me crazy then that's no secret of course I'm fucking crazy, read my blog, listen to my music album on myspace, look at my Web pages and my businesses, I'm out here running around free doing all this stuff and on top of that I am fucking crazy- so what? Keep contributing, the fans love it and your keeping me amused. (when your saying I'm crazy go and read your obsesive little diatribes and have a good think about it)?!???!! Gotta go I have basket weaving, and the lunatics are on the grass! You fucking arse clown.

Trevor Dunen said...

The Leisha Denne incident you are referring to occurred at the old Telecentre in the Main Street, and yes she showeed me her twat and if you doubt me ask my three boys about it, they witnesed it, you are on your high moral horse about aggravated burglary but sexual assault by a female doesn't count becasue I am a man, get fucking real. Anyway Dee Robinson have a nice life you ugly slag.

Trevor Dunen said...

to Listen to Leisha pissed out of her brain on the phone go to
and I wouldn't root the ugly slag for all the tea in China, I do have some self esteem despite being crazy with multiple peronalites you tripper

Trevor Dunen said...

to be totally honest I thought she would probably have some sort of disease since most of York has been through her

Trevor Dunen said...

I think your getting me mixed up with Shaun skinner who has been bashing my former partner Sheryl Woodyard- he is the one with a histry of violence against women, I am not him and I have never comitted any violence against a woman. If so you tell me when and where because you have your facts wrong. Coral Middleton deserves anything she gets, if a man is violent towards her the cunt deserved it, she is a frightening violent nutcase

Anonymous said...

Oh havent you! who ever anomymous keep it going it surley is entertaining bout time someone exposed him for the low life he is

Trevor Dunen said...

and there you have the crux of it, this reader has admitted being entertained, you are all but puppets without strings on my world stage, mere mortals amongst a master. Expose me for all it's worth for there is not much more of me to expose for York has said it all. You do realise of course that I can delete your prose with one simple and thoughtless keystroke but I have chosen not to, for you my friends are the entertainment and I am the ringmaster of this circus, I am holding the philosophical whip. But without your input I am nothing and there is no entertainment, for there too is my audience. Without the master and his audience the spoilt kid would take his bat and ball and go home sulking. I write, I create controversy, I expose and as the reclusive but brilliant performance artist Tim Burns taught me controversy is drama and drama is art. There you have it I am nought but an artiste revelling in the fruits of my endeavours so please my sullen little plebs read on and share the rewards I reap. I will spare nought my poison ink.

Trevor Dunen said...

a lot of chinese whispers and baseless allegations about my violence against women, name one woman, name one time and back it up with facts like I have. Typical York, runs on rumours and gossip. York can't take the truth

Trevor Dunen said...

I get your point about women and stalking. What you are saying is that if a man makes a complaint to police about a womans behaviour towards him and then takes out violence restraining orders to protect himself then the courts should treat the victim as the offender becasue a common denominator is that he was stalked by more than one woman?!????

If a woman claims to be stalked by more than one man it's usually on a current affair or in the paper.


Men have legal rights too although you wouldn't know it!

Have a look at the state of the family court- women generally take out restraining orders like they are toilet paper, then they take a bloke for everything he has got because she has the 3 kids and then the poor bloke pays maintenance for the rest of his life while his wife roots his best mate and he can't see his kids.

The system has to be fair my friend and there are some fucking nutcase women out their, just read the papers. How many women have murdered their husbans- heaps. You are suggesting I am such a low character that I am not worthy of Stalking??? It is on public record that Sheryl Woodyard sent 3 thugs to my home who were caught smashing the place up, they were arrested and Woodyard was looking at aggravated burglary, she copped a VRO because of it, any man thinking of shacking up with her- know this she has herpes simplex 1 and 2, you will catch a disease.

Coral Middleton was forcibly removed from my art studio by the police and she copped a VRO. You must understand I am six foot four and not a bad looking bloke. Your suggestion is that no woman is interested in me- not the case I am afraid, just the oppossite. Coral Middleton threw a wobbly becasue I did not want to see her, the aggravated burglary charge is an offence against property not a person, it is not an offence of violence. I was never conviceted of any violence towards Coral Middleton, that is on record.

You must be some sort of radical right wing chavinistic feminist or if you are a bloke your a poof but your sugggestion that men don't have the right to complain about stalking or to protect themselves with restraining orders is ridiculous. Sneaky and money hungry ex wives have clogged the court system with restraining order applications so they can root around on their partners and steal their hard earned property.

Women cry stalking all over the place and press charges yet but if a bloke claims some nutcase woman won't leave him alone, and their are many thousands of nutcase women out there then its called a foul and something must be wrong. Get fucking real you imbecile, we are living in the real world and all of what you said is total bullshit, most of the facts about me were printed in the newspaper and the restraining orders were heard in a court of law along with a lot of evidence, but you weren't there, and I was, so you do not know what the fuck you are talking about, and this is the problem with York, Fuckwits like you making comments and decisions and you just do not have all the facts, nor do you want to hear them.

Coral Middleton was a fucking fruit loop, she was running around town claiming to have been raped in the local park but it was all in her head, she then got convicted of stalking and assaulting a local bloke and then she poured petrol over somebodies dog and set it alight. Sheryl Woodyard is a violent ,schizophrenic, nymphomaniac, compulsive liar who works in a brothel and loves men to bash her.

I do not hate women, I love them and they generally love me, but sometimes relationships fizzle out and sometimes one partner doesn't want to say goodbye and gets hurt. As Ned Kelly once said "Such is Life".

Anonymous said...

And you wonder why your wife left you???

Trevor Dunen said...

What wife? I was married 25 years ago and I left her. All the women I have been with I have left and not one liked it, you seem to be missing the point etirely I have simply pointed out the horrible actions of others in York in plain simple facts and it seems to be that what they have done is OK, just ignore it and attack the messenger, I mean really is that all you have to say, seems I have you stumped.

Anonymous said...

Trev, ask Sandy how the halloween party went on Saturday night.

Trevor Dunen said...

I would love to But a Detective from Northam has emailed me and asked me not to contact her, if I email her she will complain and I might get charged, she is a very sensitive little lassy, especially when you ask her about funds, tell me how did it go? I gather it would be a flop?

Anonymous said...

York is all the better for not having you there NOW - WOOHOO can you not entice your other kronies to go live with you - You are all pathetic

Anonymous said...

Haloween - Shame on you MILO and or Joel for commenting. You should leave and live with Trevor, Milo like a little kid sitting outside spying on everyone inside having a good time and Joel trying to put on light show for Band - Joel if it was you posting the note shame on you especially because you were involved in the show. Shame on all of you

Trevor Dunen said...

Yeah shame on all of you. I know it wasn't Milo who posted it but I sure would like to know how the show went. Nobodies saying anything about it, I will have to ring somebody in York, hang on a sec, there is nobody left in York to ring, your right all the smart movers and shakers left, now look at the hopeless little hole, anyway Sandra O'Brien, I find it a bit weird that your running to the police because I emailed you, and then you contact me on here? Your a very strange little Gnome aren't you and a sneaky manipulative one at that. I have no contact with Milo whatsoever, wouldn't even know his phone number, anyway Sandra, good luck with the restraining orders. Who is Joel?

Anonymous said...

well Trev roumour has it that 10 tickets were sold for the eve of halloween,

sure spooky

who who

is going to foot the bill. who needs to leave town who who

signed not that fn anonymous another one

Trevor Dunen said...

One thing you seem to be missing, this blog is on here for all to see- forever, and you are on here reading it too, most of York come to my blog to see what's really going on- including you, If I am so horrible and not worth the time or trouble then why are you a big fan??? Sandra O'Brien- run to the police and take out restraining orders and then contact me here?!?? The court would not be real happy if they knew about it!

Anonymous said...

nice article in the letter to the editor York & Districts Community Matters

on how well the Racecourse Gala Day went, you will have a chuckle.

fn anonymous

Trevor Dunen said...

I will make a phone call and find out how it went, the radio station will be footing the bill, not that anybody would care as Sandra is using the place as her personal bank account, i.e. no treausurer to keep her honest

Trevor Dunen said...

thanks for letting me know about the Gala day letter to the editor, I will have a read.

Anonymous said...

Sick of all the people that cover up for the real looser's in York.

good on you Trev

The Truth will always surface and it is.

fn anonymous

Trevor Dunen said...

yeah your right mate, eventually I will be vindicated for I write the truth and slowly but surely things will come out, thanks for reading and contributing. A lot of the people on here get really serious about matters, but they don't realise I am having a bit of fun and taking the piss.

Trevor Dunen said...

Sandra, Sandras, Sandra, what will we do with you, running a concert at a big loss Eh! yes my York Friends and followers, the big Jerry Lee Lewis concert was a big flop and sold only 10 tickets. Who Halloween night flop- Who Who will pay. Read the letter about the race Gala Day, another big fuck up and a flop. Really Sandra O'Brien, you've fucked this up, now what will you do now Consumer Affairs wants the radio station books, who will make-up the shortfall of all the money you have stolen???

Trevor Dunen said...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR- York Community Matters

I see you quite often put pictures in the paper of Sandra O'Brien who is running the Radio Station without a separate Treasurer or a full committee, this is illegal. Consumer Affairs are investigating the station and looking at it's books.

The reason they are doing this is no financial were presented at the AGM, this is also illegal.

Are you aware of this and are you interested in printing fluffly news stories without getting into the real news? Investigate this and report on it, most in York think all is OK with York FM radio but it is not and you are missing the real meaty stories.

Are you aware that 2 members of the radio station asked to see the books and the minutes recently, both received restraining orders. Do some investigative journalism or your paper will go broke. I am a journalist by the way and I am used to the lolly water stuff you blokes print, have some guts and do a real story

People wanting to join the radio station are refused memberships if they are not pro Sandra O'Brien, this is called vote stacking and it is also illegal. Sandra O'Brien she has five shows a week for Gods sake, when will you report the real news or are you swayed by the advertsing money that York FM spent. This lady can be very sneaky and manipulative and she seems to have you sucked right in.

How about printing a story about the Jeryy Lee Lewis concert flopping. Sandra O'Brien is not an experienced promoter nor a manager at any level, she was warned not to do it, the concert was always going to be a flop, yet you suck up to her like there is no tomorrow

A lot of people are reading my blog and getting the real inside story. You are not even scraping the surface

Anonymous said...

Get get a hair cut get a real job you dole bludging Wanka and leave York alone you truley are a mental case without a cause.

Anonymous said...

shit trev that bit of truth got under someones skin


truth hurts if this was all bullshit no one would be commenting


fn anonymous

Anonymous said...

anonymous4 The Listeners want Sandra Dee's 5 programs so bugger off you ideot she dose a great job and we enjoy her MUSIC

Trevor Dunen said...

and thankyou very much Sandra O'Brien for commenting on yourelf, whose the nut case darling, taking out restraining orders and then stalking me!!!

Trevor Dunen said...

have you a comment to make about the failed concert, what about the illegal running of the radio station and the fact there is no treasurer or committe, are you going to comment on that Sandra? You seem to be ignoring the facts. You Sandra O'Brien are cooking the books of York FM and stealing. Nobody has seen the books in over 2 years. Not concerned still? All we have is a comment by Sandra that everyone enjoys her 5 shows, care to comment on allegations of theft from the Radio Station and the fact you are being investigated, no I thought not, just better to ignore it and hope it will go away and then call me a nutcase, your a fucking liar and a thief and a shithouse rock promoter. Fucking Fruit Loop. Quick Sandra call the Police.

Anonymous said...

And I surpose she's a stalker too..

And I Surpose it's all her fault your life is miserable, did she want you too mate?

atleast she has given it a go which is better then sitting there on your high horse barking your shit at everyone about how much you hate York and hate him and hate her...

If you hate the place so much shut the fuck up about it and get on with your life, and anther suggestion

If you want to play the game mate, get on the field and play the game stop shouting the rules at everyone from the sidelines

As for Sandra how can she steal money from a town that doesnt support anything? hence your comments regarding the gala day and jerry lee night,

If your so concerned about it why didnt you show up? oh that's why because your not allowed too restraining order and all good luck with that,

I hear that there monitoring your emails now due to the high volume of crap you send people

Seems others are over your drama queen antics

Wots the ratio on here of Trevor talking to trevor and someone actually responding... looks like its alot of you you you...

3 Words,


Trevor Dunen said...

I will usually only respond and converse to intelligent comment, but here goes. I think you need to go back to school because reading your drivel tells me you failed state school. Learn to spell and learn your diction.
Actually I am five people- you imbecile! Another amateur psychologist with a layman's diagnosis, fuck off idiot who are you to try and insinuate that my blog is all me, you are jealous of the input from others and you try and negate it by suggesting I wrote it all, you are a right fucking conspiracy theorist aren't you. I bet you believe in UFO's and that man didn't land on the moon. Let me know when the next York FM concert is on and I will be there- along with the other 4 people! As for the rest of the rubbish you are driveling about I have no idea what you are talking about. Monitoring me- Police, next it will be ASIO and the FBI, I suppose there's a bug in my sunglasses and they are listening in on my phone conversations. Get real you mental patient, your suffering from severe paranoia along with a few conspiracy theories thrown in. The last person jailed or in any trouble for writing what was true was Frank Hardy in the 1950's and that went to the High court and was thrown out. I know my rights dick head and I can write on here whatever I like. I can assure you that this blog is made up of all the individuals who contributed, where it says "Trevor Dunen" yes rest assured that is me, but if it doesn't say Trevor Dunen then it is another contributor, don't get jealous mate, my blog has taken off and become popular some of us in this life are movers and shakers and like to change the world. Others like yourself love to ignore the truth even though it is in black and white, no wonder your suffering delusions, you have your red neck stuck fair up your arse. Thanks for reading and contributing Pleb, come back real soon. Now the letter I am responding to, was that written by me or you?? Are you me? (You goose)!

Trevor Dunen said...

the radio station is a legally registered entity, it is an incorporation. It must by law have a full quorum committee of five people. It must have a separate treasurer, Secretary and Chairperson, the Chairperson cannot also act as the Treasurer.

This is clearly outlined in the the rules of incorporation on the Consumer Affairs Web site. I can ssend you the link. These rules are in place to specifically stop theft which has happened with the past two York FM committees. One under Mara Abbott and one under Dee Robinson. Mara Abbott Stole over $4500.
Dee Robinson would have stolen well over $10000 when you take into account the $7500 that went out of her car and getting a free security door fitted to her home paid for by the radio station. Sandra O'Brien is also stealing, if she is not then why has she failed to provide the financial statements of York FM at the AGM. Fact- Sandra O'Brien does not have an acting treasurer, this means she does not have the legal requirements of an incorporation. The funds coming in to the radio station have no books, no financials, these are a requirement by law and they must be presented at the Annual AGM. Money has been raised for coffee stalls by Sandra O'Brien and then she has claimed that the funds were for her. The only reason A chairperson would take over as treasurer and then hide the books is because of theft. There is no other legal explanation for it. Anyway apart from some abuse and a personal attack you have not responded to these facts. Many have mentioned I went to Jail, yes I paid for my crime. So I know that York FM is running illegally and theft is going on, because I have informed York and you think I am an arsehole then it makes it OK for Sandra O'Brien to steal, thats a very twisted logic my friend?

Trevor Dunen said...

I have just received a PDF document from Karen Bembridge of consumer Affairs Perth, stating that York FM did not have an annual general meeting in 2008, in other words Sandra O'brien was not the elected chairperson from 2008- 2009, also there were no financials for 2007, 2008 or 2009 or minutes and none are being kept whatsoever as they must be by law,. consumer Affairs stated that Sandra O'Brien and York FM Breached at least six acts. and all the time no records have been kept of ingoings or outgoings of financials at all from 2007 to now. I have lodged a theft complaint to the Northam Detectives office, what happened to all the money Sandra?!? Community Matters have been sent a copy of the report and hopefully they will publish the results. York FM still refuses to keep a register of all its members and refuses to name it's comittee even now (it doesn't exist). York FM have been given an official written warning. The full report is absolutely unbelievable. This maggot tried to take a restraining order out against me to stop this investigation, the attempt failed though! I have been vindicated, anybody wanting a copy of the report email me at, (it is a PDF file). copies can also be obtained from Milo wyatt or Wally Forsyth

Trevor Dunen said...

York FM and Sandra O'Brien have refused to keep or to reveal a members register, this is so members cannot be contacted and told the following information. York FM has been found in breach of sections 25,23(1,)(2),26 and Section 29 of the Associations and Incorporations act, note that no financial records have been kept since 2007 up until now, a situation almost encouraging theft and fraud., this is a criminal offence. Secondly No Minutes were kept of any AGM"S from 2007-09 nor were any audited financial reports tabled, secondly none of the AGM's were valid as they were unlawful under the act, there was no AGM in 2008 at all. In effect Sandra O'Brien was not the legally elected Chaiperson of York FM from 2007 until now. York FM is also insolvent and traiding in the red, there is a $2000 plus debt owed by the station which Sandra had to pay peronally for the Jerry Lee Lewis concert, this means York FM is insolvent. The monthly GST returns to the tax department could not possibly have been met as it has already been found there is no financial paperwork in or out??!! The station is also operating without any public liability insurance. In a situation like this normally an extraordinary meeting would be called by the members by writing to them from the members register and informing them of what is going on, a move Sandra has snookered by still refusing to provide a members register, she also only allows members who are pro her, she claims it is to protect members privacy but it is illegal, it is called vote stacking and I maintain it is to ensure that Sandra Has a cash cow to milk. York FM has been ordered by consmumer affairs to get its financial records in order by December. Despite emailing Sandra O'Brien a few times to ask her what she proposes to do about York FM's financial records she continues to ignore me, I guess she figures I am a whistle blower and having communication with me can only hasten her downfall- which is coming. copies of this shocking report are available from Milo Wyatt in York, you have to read it to believe it. Sandra O'Brien has claimed that she could not keep up the records as they were in such a poor state from her start as chairperson in 2007, this is a lie, I personally saw the books and they were fully audited and complete, in the possession of Sue McCloud, the treasurer which she sacked! What a piss weak excuse, why wouldn't you then put all that paperwork aside and start from scratch, you are a liar Sandra O'Brien, this is a pissweak and quite tranparent excuse. Sandra O'Brien was also given a copy of the rules of association by Sue Mcloud in 2007 and by Wally forsyth in 2008, she also went to a consumer Affairs Seminar in 2007 which explained all her legal obligations as an Association and her role as chairpeson, Sandra has also had me emailing her asking for correct copies of financial records at the station for at least a year. My emails were taken to a Detective at Northam and a harassment complaint was lodged and a restraining order was taken out against me and another York FM member who was stupid enough to ask a question about the finances, you can read it publicly here that the restraining order application failed! You are a sneaky and manipulative person Sandra and using the Police and the courts by wasting their valuable time by trying to evade the crimes you are committing at York FM is a low low move. You have attacked and vilified me because I have exposed what a liar and con- artist you are, are you still playing the damaged little butterfly and telling everyone how fragile you are, you fucking lying little thief.

Trevor Dunen said...

This is not a mistake, this has been a well planned crime and still the theft goes on. You want to watch out that one of York FM's creditors doesn't file for bankruptcy- like the tax department! Why are you running York FM without public liability insurance, this may make you and the whole committee liable if any injuries or damage occurs, you know that don't you? A theft complaint against Sandra O'Brien has been sent to the police in Northam along with the Consumer Affairs report

Anonymous said...

Trevor Trevor Trevor you milo & WAlly what a crew. Absolute disgrace to the human race. Well dont you all have little skelletons in your closets, shame on Milo and Wally who still live iN york you are all a bunch of WANKA's. The station is going to survive and you and dick heads will have to try and pick on someone else.

Trevor Dunen said...

Sandra, Sandra, Sandra, (O'Brien) what drugs are you on? And yes I am a regular enthusiastic wanker as I am sure Milo and Wally are too, it's my favourite past time as a matter of fact. The station will survive, but not with you, a thief at the helm, we are not talking about skeletons in the closet now Sandra, we are talking about theft at the York FM radio station. The report has not hit the local newspaper yet and Milo is still handing it around the community. We are not picking on anybody, we are ensuring that the radio station is run as per the rules and regulations set out by consumer Affairs and the government and that fucking scumbags like you don't have the ability or opportunity to steal like you have been. Your smug now Sandra, but you haven't been interviewed by the police yet nor have you been served papers from my solicitor. Funny, you are entitled to your opinion but my view of Wally Forsyth and Milo Wyatt was one of two music loving dedicated community volunteers who don't steal and thieve and hide behind police and the courts. (and shoddy non existent paper work) These two blokes are York FM. Your day of reckoning will come Sandra and yes you are right, there are a lot of caring community minded individuals in York who will make the station work after you have thieved every cent it earned for the past 3 years and bankrupted it. When you are in jail, Wally and Milo and myself will be there to pick up the pieces. The station cannot survive without paying it's GST and public liability insurance. The appropriate authorites have been informed. It took me a year to get this report from consumer Affairs, rest assured Sandra I am going to continue coming after you. Also the public should be aware that you put up $2000 plus for the Gerry Lee Lewis concert and since it failed you say York FM owes you the money, this is highly illegal, lending your own money to York FM without official paperwork, and any attempt by you to have that money paid back to you by York FM will see you arrested, York FM cannot trade while insolvent, it is highly illegal and a criminal offence and yet it is operating while insolvent now! You cannot unofficially lend the station money and then recoup it, this is called theft, you must wear the damage as the station was not in a position to fund the project financially at at the time. You are going to find yourself in serious trouble Sandra. By the way wanka is spelled "wanker" and skelleton is skeleton. Failing to have correct AGM's and failing to keep financials is a little more than skeletons in the closet my dear as you will soon find out. the public will not wear what you have been doing.

Anonymous said...

I am not Sandra my name is jeanette and you do not know me thank goodness and I never want to know you. As long as I am in Town you three clowns will not be involved with the radio station. I have only met Sandra twice and she has done alot for the station so get off your high horse and give yourself a break. Opinions are like arseholes and everyone has one - so who cares about yours. You are all afraid of someone doing something for the town in what they believe in. People like you amaze me always have to put people down to make yourself feel better. Life is too short and guess what people in York dont care about you three stooges.

Trevor Dunen said...

Bullshit! You are Sandra O'Brien, what other imbecile would totally ignore what I have just written. AND YOU ARE A THIEF!!!!!! A complaint has been lodged to the Australian Taxation Office in relation to your non compliance of keeping accurate and up to date financial records, oh Yes Sandra, it is also the law of the Australian Tax Office that they must be kept, also the GST payments you haven't paid, each month (It's now tax investigation case number 616180) big problem, you can't do that Sandra, also you are trading while insolvent, sorry Sandra, Highly illegal, so I had to write to the Australian Investments and Securities Commision and report you, Sandra, please make an effort to communicate and let me know what is going on so I don't have to get the authorities to tell me, it would make it easier. Have you got your records in order and what steps are you taking to rectify your breaches of the Associations ACT? Have you paid the stations public liability insurance, I am extremely concerned about that. Especially the safety of others if they get hurt and need to make a claim, operating without it of course is illegal. I mean given the contents of the report from Consumer Affairs recntly, you can't be trusted Sandra and you have to be checked up on becasue of your gross incompetence, that is until you resign. You cannot run a concert for York FM while you did not have the funds to pay for it, you are traiding while insolvent and you cannot legally lend the money to York FM nor is it legal for York FM to pay it back to you, check the rules and regulations about trading while insolvent, it is a serious offence and all transactions can be reversed so you are on dangerous ground. Nobody is picking on you, there are rules and regulations laid down that must be obeyed, this is to prevent theft of public funds, and you seem to have a problem with that, never mind, we will get there eventually.

Trevor Dunen said...

You really are a fucking arse clown, Sandra, I mean really "My name is Jeanette and I have met Sandra twice and she has done a lot for the station" What the fuck would you know, nobody has ever seen any books and in the last 3 years a proper AGM has not been held, you really are a fucking dimwit, name one good thing this cunt has done for the radio station, it is now in debt $2500 from a failed concert, name one good thing she has done for the station apart from harass and intimidate other presenters and steal money and disobey all the rules and regulations. Get the report from Milo Wyatt Sandra and stop the little Walter Mitty impressions, you will drive yourself nuts, we all know who you are and what you are

Trevor Dunen said...

At a record fair in York a few years ago Sandra was with Milo Wyatt at the stations record stall, Sandra went away for a while to get a coffee, while she was away the gentelman at the next stall put a $20 note on his table, Milo noted it and knew whose it was and left it ther. Sanra on returning with her coffee saw the $20, exciteldy she asked if it belonged to Milo, Milo replied in the negative, so Sandra greedily snatched up the note and put it in her purse, exclaiming happily "it's mine now". Just at that moment the real owner of the $20 note came up and asked, "who took my $20 note"?. Sadly our greedy little Radio Station chairperson was caught in the act of thieving, this is the personality that you are now dealing with and you are trying to tell me she is honest, a person who is in charge of thousands of dollar wotrh of funds and doesn't keep books despite the regulations and has York FM paying her back funds she has "Lent" it, sounds fucking well dodgy to me yes and the moon is made of green cheese.
Your comment was that you wouldn't allow us to be involved in York FM, this is a coummunity radio station, everyone in the community can be involved it is run on public funds, you don't get to choose who is involved arsehole, that is part of the rules dickhead

Anonymous said...

Jeanette here, gee you swear alot. what did you do for the station? Or Milo, how much money has he raised to keep the station going? It is a sad place you both are. Gee you have alot to say about alot of people it is really sad that you feel you have to run people down and not live your life - It must be depressing being you. You also seem to know alot about funds that so called persons should have - you better be careful you are close to being slanderous. malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name.I am new to town the last 2 years and are amazed at the lengths you go to write about a good town - were you run out of town?

Trevor Dunen said...

thanks for asking, I am a journalist singer/guitarist and no I was kicked off the radio for interviewing Merle Narkel-Goodwin, an aborigianl artist. I had permission from the programming director Sue Mccloud, Merle told on radio a story about a milkbar in 1962 in York where she bought a chocolate milkshake and was asked to leave the shop because she was aboriginal, after this story was told I was accused of inciting racial hatred (a ridiculous calim) at the time I had written a play that was given a grant of $13,500 bu Perth Institue of contmporary art about racism against aboriginals in the town. Given that Local Community Radio in australia is not subject to censorship and the fact that in the constitution all types of radio input from locals is encouraged I lodged a complaint and asked for dispute resolution, this was never completed and the allegation was never upheld. My membership for York Fm was never accepted again, becasue it would allow me access to the members register. I was instrumental in keeping an eye on the books at the time and later it was found that Mara Abbott the former chairperson had stolen over $4000. Then the chairperson that kicked me off radio Dee robinson also failed to keep correct accounting of books at the station and over $7500 went missing. I don't understand what you are saying, you claim Sandra O'Brien has raised funds, I'm sorry but where is that in the books of York FM? Because myself and consumer affairs can't feind it, how much did Sandra O'Brien raise and what date becasue at the monent we are in the situation where the stations bills have not been paid, it is broke, no bookwork exists and you could not pissibly know what money she has raised, where are you getting your information from? I am simply informing York of the current correct information, York FM has breached many sections of the Associations act by not holding correct AGM's and minutes and financial records, are you trying to suggest that Sandra O'Brien is above the law and doesn't have to obey the rules, that is all I am asking. This prevents any suggestion of theft. Sandra lending money to the station is in effect traiding while insolvent, the station is in debt and Sandra O'Brien put it there, are you deaf and blind? What money did she raise, how much and on what date? I challenge you to provide the details.

Trevor Dunen said...

go to and see the recording "Leisha Denne pissed" this tape recorded telephone call explains a lot of it.

Trevor Dunen said...

I challenge any person to disprove what i have said, in any court of law- my defence to your allegations of libel and slander are I am telling the truth and the truth is not slander or libel. No one in York has the fucking balls to sue me, my detractors are all a bunch of sneaky lying dogs that haven't got the guts to challenge what I have said in the courts, why are you hiding behind a false identity, I'm not, I have the balls to try and make a difference and stand up for truth honesty and the good old australian fair go!! You go down to the radio station and examine their books for the last 3 years and then come back and talk to me.

Trevor Dunen said...

As far as what we have done for York FM, I was a voluntary announcer producing a professional show that took about 3 days to script each week, Milo Wyatt has been a tireless voluntary announcer for many years in the past, donating his time for free, for many many more years than Sandra has been chairperson I of course am a professional and my time would be worth at lest $100 an hour. as well as volunteering for the Radio station I also acted and peerformed many times for the charity World Vision in York and also for the old aged people on their annual variety day. Don't question me on what I have done for the town, I lived there for five years and was extremely busy with my charity work at all times. Your opinion is based on the little you know of the background of York FM, I know all about it and I can tell you you are barking up the wrong tree as you will soon find out.

Trevor Dunen said...

Sandra O'Brien, have you got a valid drivers licence, should you be dribving around York. Secondly Sandra has been running around the Main Strret claiming to be scared and in fear of her life, this is becasue she has taken a restraining order against Milo Wyatt and is trying to set him up. You really are a nutcase Sandra, Milo has not gone any where near you let alone done anything to you. Note that any person that has got access to the negative report from consumer affairs about york fm copped a restraining order, what a misuse and abuse of the courts yet she keeps taking out restraining orders while stealing money from the radio station, Sandra you should be ashamed.!!

Trevor Dunen said...

I see I got a mention in the paper from Yvonne Dols the other day for my charity work- You see I am not a bad bloke after all. Well done to to Yvonne Dols for raising over $2000 to give a disabled local lad an even chance with a motorised buggy for him to get around on. Excellent work Yvonne you are a living Angel and we love you, how is the long suffering Frank getting on, happy New year mate, you are married to a saint and your not a bad bloke either!!!

Trevor Dunen said...

A note to a certain radio station chairperson, (Sandra O'Brien) downloading music off the radio station computer and then burning discs and then selling them at the markets will get you a $250,000 fine or 5 years jail or both. Be very careful Sandra, you are on the thin edge of the law

Anonymous said...

ok. i had to scroll past alot of trevors comments as after the first few it was clear to be the same meandering crap. pissed myself laughing at the comments from obviously happy york residents. me. im one of them. past 15yrs never had a drama gr8 place to raise my 2 kids. lots of work. no dramas (but then i dont socialize with dickheads i guess) and in short, after 20 yrs living in perth, this is just heaven. you delete comments for being off topic but feel the need to post someones sexual orientation or thats relevant. as for the town never going anywhere, i know for a fact some very exciting developments are coming very soon (within 6 months) that are going to surprise a lot of locals. hopefully in a good way im sure. all its taken is someone with a shitload of money, some big ideas and the stones to carry it out. These people have that and more. i truly hope you have gotten over your anger and hatred of the people you met here (and no amount of explanations to the contrary to prove otherwise hold water. only thing keeps you going this long is anger) as the people you mentioned? im sure by now they either dont know what you write or dont care anymore. hate only consumes the vessel that holds it. cheers

Trevor Dunen said...

Well, Well, Well, its February 2012 and all of my predictions have come tru and more. Sandra O'Brien finally was kicked out of York FM for not having an annual AGM, in the end I was proved right, she was in the position of chairperson without even being elected. Guess what, all the radio funds disappeared, no bills paid, station in debt and no word from Sandra O'brien on what happened to the $$$. Also all this big talk about York taking off, there was a news article on TV the other day, the York Tourist Centre has closed down, all the pubs as well as most of the businesses are up for sale and York is virtually a ghost town. Property prices have plummeted. Not only that, I predicted that somebody would be killed at the York Motocross track if they did not relocate it, turns out Ollie Batista who's parents had been warned over and over that if their sons kept riding like idiots then one would die. The police spoke to the father about his sons reckless riding many times, but he just kept going until his son was killed, and yes I predicted it. Not so silly after all am I

Trevor Dunen said...

on top of that in 2011 the York Visitors centre has closed, the people that ran it stole all the money, that is to say all of the funds used to run it have gone missing, over $150,000